Finally putting the pieces together

Hi everyone…

Im sure most of you had heard my story. (I’m the guy who never took fin/accutane/ssri) went on a crash diet and developed PFS like symptoms:

Numb genitals, lose of libido, low semen volume and force, numb orgasm, restless legs, horrible body odor, mouth ulcers, itchy skin, cold penis, stress incontinence, dry eyes, and severe bloating.

Welll I just did my research… The cream my doctor prescribed me for my rash on my buttocks , and thighs was called “HYDROCORTISONE cream.”

I just googled it and seen that it is common to cause yeast infections and that the drug can supress the immune system

" Side effects may include mood changes, risk of infections, and swelling. Long term use includes osteoporosis upset stomach, physical weakness, easy brusing and YEAST INFECTIONS"

So you gonna get treatment for yeast infection?

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I have mouth ulcers, that keep coming and going,
itchy skin
itchy genitals
red spots on my penis (yeast infection) that comes and goes)
severe bloating (even though im fit!!)
itchy dry eyes

These are all signs of candida!

I believe these “pfs” symptoms are due to the Gut! When the gut is messed up it puts pressure on the liver and adrenals… etc…

Currently doing an anti-candida diet. (2nd day) Dont know if im doing it right
Since im taking probiotic yoghurt with 7 grams of carbs (ALL SUGAR) …

Trying to eat basically brocolli, chicken/turkey, butter, and lemon water…

Also added probiotics L.reuteri. To early to say anything but I feel more clear in the brain.

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