Film/documentary opportunity

Good evening everyone, we have a film/documentary opportunity. It will be 52 mns long, I have been exchanging with the director for several months now, a producer is ready to follow and the time has come to launch a first small call for testimonies from patients/victims/parents/ whatever your nationality, since we want to show that this is a universal problem. Of course, I think you will understand that anonymity will have to be dropped. This project will not take up too much of your time, for us it will be much more engaging. I hope with all my heart that we will not miss this opportunity, which is a first and a real opportunity to allow everyone to better understand PFS. It is also a question of inducing the spectator to take a different look at all the pharmaceutical products he or she can ingest and to open up his or her reasoning on the risks potentially incurred.

I am Sylviane from the French Association avfin and the small facebook post-finasteride syndrome group.
I am resting this weekend but you have the right to flood my mailbox to tell me that you wish to participate…

Yours sincerely



Come on guys an unmissable opportunity. As said many times exposure and awareness are key in getting PFS out there.I’ve volunteered


Bump. This needs to be seen.

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Are you limiting it to PFS or will you also be including PSSD and PAS sufferers? If you look at Facebook groups, it is eye opening to see how diverse the demographics are for sufferers of these conditions. Perhaps a film could have even more impact if you had people of all different ages, genders, nationalities, etc included and suffering equally. Just a thought.

@lacreland21 What exactly do you mean with ‘anonymity needs to be dropped’?
What are the options for volunteers?
Usually when people participate in a documentary they have the choices, to for example have their voices or names anonymous or replaced with a fictional name. Sometimes they appear as silhouettes.
I understand it is desirable to have people be as real as possible and have their faces and names visible.

I would like to contribute to the documentary, but I feel I am not the most quintessential candidate. I only have sexual symptoms, and still have a head full of hair. If I’m completely honest, I may have gotten a prescription for finasteride without actually suffering from androgenic alopecia in the first place, because they market it to young men who have ‘beginning scalp hair loss’, and I erroneously thought this was the case for me.

I do not want to take the space of people whose situation is more dire than mine and need to be heard. I am also not comfortable with full anonymity loss so I want to know if there are other options.

Your remark is interesting, the fim/doc will initially be based on PFS but with, in the background, the idea of inducing an opening for other rare pathologies.


Indeed, for newspaper articles and short documentaries, anonymity is often accepted. However, it seems to us that being able to show real patients can increase public interest and open up a whole new world of possibilities. It would be difficult to offer 52 minutes of anonymous testimonials.
As far as the severity of symptoms is concerned, it is essential to be able to show the extent of the symptoms, so everyone is welcome.