I ve a question: do you think that if now i have “normal” hormonal balance cause my hair started top fall down very fast,cause i’m feeling good/better ,cause my mind looks at girls,could the problem be only about fibrosis tissue in the penis that doesn’t let my erection goes up?..if so,what can really be done or how to test it ?
…i still feel numb down there (dep from the days,some more,some less) and i still have issue with my prostate …so please someone answer me,thank you…
what kind of issues are you having with your prostate? Could you explain how frequently, for how long, and in detail man? Thank you.
hi Boston,I still feel my penis numb and fell a sort of pain in the perineus ,in my penis and inside that area like if it was the prostate,it s really less pain from when i stopped cause at that time it was so pinful…that’s it .