You can take Tylonel to break a fever. However a fever is a natural and healthy immunological response to an infection so you really only want to break it if it is getting too uncomfortable to manage. Don’t take Advil or other NSAIDs. There is some risk that it may exacerbate a COVID infection. They don’t know if this is definitely true yet but better to be safe.
If it is pfs theres not much other than to ride the episodes out, it could be estrogen or kidney dysfunction. Lots of water and exercise and fasting may reduce occurrences.
Update: I just made 2 coughs and spat out a bit of phlegm each time.
Is this a good sign?
Coronavirus is generally associated with a dry cough and without congestion or phlegm, but it seems to be possible.
I think the percentages for some of the reported symptoms are inaccurate, but take a look at this study from 55,000 patients in China. The data is decent, but it doesn’t make sense that 88% reported a fever with only 11% reporting chills, especially when fever commonly causes chills.
Stay in touch with your doctor by phone and most importantly closely pay attention to your breathing. If your breathing is only mildly impacted, you won’t need to go to the ER, but if your breathing becomes a significant problem, you will need to go to the hospital.
Getting properly diagnosed right now is going to be hard. There are not enough tests in the US to figure out what’s going on and if you have mild coronavirus symptoms then people won’t want to see you in person. Talk to your doctor about this. Bacterial infections require antibiotics (more often associated with productive coughs) but you can clear most viral infections on your own. But coronavirus is so widespread in the US now that it is probably the most likely culprit.
Do you live in the US?
take you temperature regularly in mornings mid day and before bed 3 times and see if it is going up or down.
at night times temperature goes up.
drink tea warm water and eat food and you should be fine. PFS guys don’t get sick as much as they used to pre PFS so you could be at an advantage.
take deep breaths open up you lungs from time to time.
spilling out phlegm means your lungs are bean cleaned out my guess would be you are getting better.
Keep us posted on your symptoms.