Guys if any you have had your fertility tested post-finasteride please post it here… I know many here are still somewhat young and having children may not be the first and foremost things on your mind… but this is none-the-less something that everyone should consider. Thus I urge anyone who is concerned about to please get it tested and post results here.
Exact results not necessary (but helpful) just trying to get a gauge on how many of us may have reduced fertility.
If you haven’t had it tested yet, and have reduced testicle size and or any other reason to suspect your ferility maybe off please get it tested and post here if you are below range, within range but low, or normal.
I had my fertility tested 7 months off finasteride. Came back 16 Million/ml normal range is 20-250 Million/ml. Doctor said optimal for pregnancy is 60 million/ml+
No issues with fertility in my family.
I haven’t seen a thread specifically on fertility of members here so if you wouldn’t mind, could you sticky this Mew?