
Guys if any you have had your fertility tested post-finasteride please post it here… I know many here are still somewhat young and having children may not be the first and foremost things on your mind… but this is none-the-less something that everyone should consider. Thus I urge anyone who is concerned about to please get it tested and post results here.

Exact results not necessary (but helpful) just trying to get a gauge on how many of us may have reduced fertility.

If you haven’t had it tested yet, and have reduced testicle size and or any other reason to suspect your ferility maybe off please get it tested and post here if you are below range, within range but low, or normal.

I had my fertility tested 7 months off finasteride. Came back 16 Million/ml normal range is 20-250 Million/ml. Doctor said optimal for pregnancy is 60 million/ml+

No issues with fertility in my family.

I haven’t seen a thread specifically on fertility of members here so if you wouldn’t mind, could you sticky this Mew?

Good thought, it crosses my mind, though I haven’t any rational reason now to think I’ll ever be in position to have kids. Even if one is able I’d worry greatly about spawning a genetic mongoloid freak…with epigenetic changes possible here.


Irwig did a study into this, I don’t know what’s happening with it but hopefully the results will merit publication.

Irwig told me he has several papers waiting to be published. I assume the fertility study is just one.

Measuring reduced fertility would require prefin fertility testing. I think you’re looking for both low fertility and reduced fertility, correct? Given many who took propecia were young, they probably didn’t have a fertility test prior to taking finasteride. The response pool is much greater if you look for low or sub-normal fertility after taking finasteride, not just reduced fertility.

What is the difference between low and sub-normal. Is low just normal but on the low end? I am considerably below the normal range. It makes no sense, Guys on here with testosterone lower than 100 are still ok in the fertility department, here I am nearly 900 total Test but not pumping out barely any swimmers.

From the link that tim posted a lot of guys have good numbers (not talking about motility, or mutations). All I can say is that my nuts are like half the size/mass they used to be…

I don’t think it matters. There is a distinction though between having low/sub-normal fertility and having reduced fertility. Just to know the value, the latter requires having a pre-fin measurement while the former do not, they just measure you against other males.

Regardless the data would be more useful from a larger portion of us. Very few people have had this tested.