Feminine energies and polar sexual differences. Current changes/fluctuations caused by Finasteride usage

Biggest issue that currently plagues my thoughts and causes my ED and depression is this:

I don’t see the clear boundaries in female/male energies since starting/stopping finasteride.

David Deida is spot on concerning his description of the core masculine and the core feminine energies. In my opinion. Depending on your mental state, I could definitely recommend this book from him (The Way of the Superior Man). You can find a few quotes from it under the post.

That feminine energy, is something I always very clearly dinstuigished. I could spot transgender women (FtM) easily. Also people who took finasteride, strangely I always often noticed as more feminine in “energy” and vibrance if you know what I mean.

I’m not able to distuingish it now.

Just putting this out there in the hopes somebody recognizes this, if so what have been your observations, and what, aside from getting used to it, has been your road to recovery?

– edited parts of the posts, left the essential part –

Some quotes from the book:

  • “Sexual attraction, however, is very different from having sex. There is a big difference between choosing to be intimate with a woman and simply being attracted to her energy and radiance.”
    - “Herein lies the delicious torture, the ‘flowery combat’ of intimacy—the lover who really turns you on deep in your sexual heart will also really frustrate you in more superficial moments. If you have a feminine essence, then your masculine lover’s deep confidence and integrity will turn you on, except when bulldozing your feelings and nit-picking the content of everything you say in a moment of conflict. If you have a masculine essence, then your feminine lover’s spontaneous laughter and fluid sexual responsiveness will turn you on, except during times of whacko hysteria and unpredictable shutdowns. In moments of deep communion, the masculine and feminine open as a singular gift—two facets of one jewel.”
    - “Regardless of gender or sexual orientation, if you want to experience deep spiritual and sexual fulfillment, you must know your natural sexual essence—masculine, feminine, or balanced—and live true to it. You can’t deny your true sexual essence by covering it with layers of false energy for years, and then expect to know your authentic purpose and be free in the flow of love. This book is a guide to shedding pretense and living true to your core, specifically for people who have a masculine sexual essence and their feminine essenced lovers who have to deal with them.”
    - If a man is very masculine by nature, then he will be attracted to a very feminine woman, who will complement his energy. The more neutral or balanced he is, the more balanced he will prefer his woman. And, if a man is more feminine by nature, his energy will be complemented by the strong direction and purposiveness of a more masculine woman. By understanding their own needs, men can learn to accept the “whole package” of a woman. For instance, a more masculine man can expect that any woman who really turns him on and enlivens him will also be relatively wild, undisciplined, “bonkers,” chaotic, prone to changing her mind and “lying.” Still, from an energetic perspective, this kind of woman will be much more healing and inspiring to him than a more balanced or neutral woman who is steady, reasonable, “trustworthy,” and able to say what she means in a way he can understand
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The question of “sexual energy” is a bit too abstract for me, but it seems to help you make sense of how you feel… great!

In my own experience, PFS has highlighted to me how there’s a lizard brain version of attraction (the ‘irrational’ urge to have sex), and an intellectual attraction (I can verbally describe how someone is attractive and why they could be a satisfying partner). It’s really hard to have just have one of those.

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This is a good explanation by @M_C for what I experience post-fin. I can visually distinguish between women I would normally find attractive and those I don’t, but the physical feeling of attraction or urge to have sex is missing at the same time. Women still catch my eye but the libido is missing. What a mindscrew this poison is.