This topic covers the results from the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) from our female survey participants.
Please note: Participants with no sexual activity prior to taking the drug were excluded.
The maximum score per domain is 6.
What is interesting is that these participants seem to have improved somewhat in their sexual function after quitting the drugs, though are still far away from baseline. Males by contrast typically get worse after quitting. Is this because our male data is predominantly finasteride and the lady respondents took mostly anti depressants or some isotretinoin? Does the antidepressant substance taken make a difference? Many AD users have taken different substances in the course of their therapies. How does that come into play? Or is there some underlying gender difference? These are interesting questions, but almost impossible to answer because of the huge variability in the parameters involved.
High level though, I would like to focus on the gender question. What do people from the PSSD and PAS communities think: Are woman under-represented? If true, why do you believe this is so? Is it because woman seem less susceptible than men? Or is because woman are less likely to participate in such community discussions?