Feeling really lost and hopeless, need some guidance

Hi I took finasteride earlier this June and stopped within 2 weeks due to severe mental sides. I was also on prozac at the time to help with OCD but I had no feeling of depression or anxiety/panic just intrusive thoughts. Eventually I stopped taking Prozac as well as made a lot of progress in my life. Was able to work a good job while also attend barber school and was at a high in my life.

In October I decided to try taking finasteride again as I theorized that in the past the interaction with prozac was causing my mental sides. So this time I would be taking finasteride on its own. I got the same severe side effects which were brain fog/dissociation and panic attacks in the evening. I stopped taking it altogether after 2 weeks and felt alright within a few days. A week later I believe I crashed and since then my life changed completely. My symptoms returned and were even more severe. I ended up going to the hospital after a severe panic attack and rapid thoughts that wouldn’t go away.

I stayed at the hospital and was given xanax which made me feel better immediately within an hour. The Psychiatrist decided to prescribe me lexapro and I agreed to taking it thinking it would help me as a temporary Band-Aid fix while my body is recovering from fin. Without going into detail I was very suicidal 3 weeks in and decided to stop, I felt a lot better within 2 days but then I believe withdrawal kicked in so I lowered the dose to half for another week. I decided to quit cold turkey after a week of a lowered dose.

It has now been a week since last taking Lexapro and since the last 2 days I have been feeling very depressed, physically anxious, and dealing with severe “brain fog/disoriented/dissociated feeling”
I really don’t want to return to the ER as they dont believe in PFS and will probably just put me on new meds. I am trying my damn hardest to wait until my psychiatrist appointment next week.

My question is if these side effects are due to withdrawal from lexapro or is this me returning to my new baseline prior to SSRI but post fin.

My other question is regarding the chances of this going away, as this is my after my 2nd time taking finasteride for around same time frame (2 weeks).

This is my 2nd time posting within 2 weeks so I apologize but I wanted to provide an update and ask new questions.

Thank you

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