Feeling nasty effects for shortish usage, please help

I took Propecia for about 5 moths from Sept 11 to Feb 12 last year & quit cos of the brainfog etc. No libido problems. I freaked out & i hated the detachment & anxiety etc. No erectile issues at all really back then. Basically everything was fine in the end after a tough week to 10 days.
Anyway i stupidly decided to try it again as i was panicking about my hair again. Not much left now & shouldnt have bothered. Anyway the below was the time & amount of usage.

Feb 22nd for a whole week of 0.5 mg to 0.33 mg over 6 days out of the seven. I stopped cos my Wife & I were trying to conceive which happily has occurred. I stopped for a whole month & dont remember many sides when quitting after the week. After all i started on it again a month later. I wouldnt have done that if i wasnt feeling alright, makes sense?
Next was March 27th till April 5th for 10 days & was taking 0.5mg & sometimes 0.33 mg & 0.25 mg. I noticed the brainfog/depression thing & stopped. Again i freaked out. I felt mentally numb etc pretty much like i stated above on my fist time on it for the 5 months. Anyway on day 6 off it i started feeling good again & that surge i hear lads on about as DHT returned. It was like coming up on a drug. I cant remember if i was still like i am now after the last dose but musnt have as i took it once more below.
Anyway i left it & think all went back to normal but again decided once more to take 0.2 mg on April 18th. That was my last dose.

Some background on me, i was a heavy drinker up until March 31st this year averaging about 15 to 20 pints on a weekend usually Friday & Saturday. I wanted to stop completly so i could go through my Wifes pregnancy with her sober. I went to a stag the weekend of the 20th & 21st & drank heavily at that & had a two day hangover.

My fear regarding the Propecia is im still finding a sense of detachment to those around me. I got over it a year ago so i should be able to again right? I also vividly remembering cracking one out on the 20th April & im also pretty sure last weekend around the 28th April.

I really freaked over the last week when i noticed that i was still mentally blocked you might say. I almost cant feel any emotions or barely if that makes sense? I was so stressed all week i went to a councillor on Friday to see if we can work out the mental kinks. Anyway thats the least of my worries now. I was so stressed last week as i say that i didnt try crack one out. I tried yesterday as i was feeling good yesterday morning (maybe the anxiety had me fooled) but the erection was rubbery & i couldnt ejaculate. I looked at my penis & noticed the foreskin looked different, old & wrinkled. I dont look at it very often so cant be sure what it normally looks like. Anyway i was panicking all day today & something strange came over me about 2 hours ago. A kind of strange euphoria, it chilled me out like something saying you will be ok. No idea what it was. Maybe a late DHT surge perhaps? It was something that coursed through me like a drug, im still sort of feeling it. Anyway i also tried to masturbate as i felt a slight tingle in my balls but sadly i couldnt get an erection. It was useless. Im now very scared.
Im getting my bloodwork done on Teusday as early as possible.
Can anyone advise if you can get a late DHT rush maybe 18 days after the last tablet taken. I know ive been a bit on/off with it the last month. Also i have a fair idea of what bloodwork to get but can you please confirm the main ones & possibly what i should do next.
I havent taken much of this drug recently so have i a chance here of recovery? The non erection has me freaked.