Feeling at the worst point

4 month after my initial crash I feel demotivated and tiered of live.
It is not fatigue, it is a depressed and ultimative weak feeling as a dead animal or three heavy weight carpets lay on me. I feel weight presses my head down.
There is no more masculin aggression against someone or to do something anymore.
It is not the brainfog but reallity seems so far away. I look at my own living room or outside in my garden and it seems to be total unreal and so far away.
My neighbors and all the people in my little hometown seem to be strangers, living in another world.
That I dont live with my fiancee, that I have no sexual activity anymore, seems to be unreal. That I have ED and because of this ugly pills my live changed so dramatically it seems like a nice movie got out of control. A whole live got out of control.

I have pfs now, I loose muscle mass at my calves, my arms, my neck, I’m afraid once cannot keep up my head anymore. Muscle wastage I can feel like a monster, now sitting in my neck. It id a cold and tingeling feeling. And I know it makes me weaker in this area.

Every day I have the fear:“What comes next?”

I liked my long walking tours and bicycle rides. Now I make a little walk as a very old man. I’m afraid to loose countenance on the bicycle. I’m a member in a gym but I’m afraid to go there.
I feel weaker and weaker. I cannot manage my live by myself anymore. I have no one.
For my Ex I think I’m a kind of a strange zombie, altered by this syndrom to something she wants to get far out of her reality and memory. Other guys here lost their fiancee’s too.
The old friends stay with me, some of them understand how bad is our state of live.
Some take about to end up their lives, some did it. I dont want to do that, but I need some Drive some motivation.

Some days ago I swere to get off the forum for a while, but there is no one I can talk to, how bad I feel myself.


Please, please do not give up. We genuinely need all of us in this battle, as we are the proof that this disease exists and has destroyed countless lives. I can assure you, myself and the PFSN team, along with the PFSF, are working extremely hard every day to find a way out of this. It takes time, but we are making progress.

If we give up, what we are saying is we are ok with this problem being dismissed. Your life - our lives - are worth far more than that.

I am always here to talk if you just want to speak over the phone. Let me know and I’d be happy to organise something.

Take care :heart:


It has realy destroyed my live, what is more worse for a man as loosing the love of his live, after becoming impotent and bedridden of a 100.000 times prescribed drug.

After all we are not more as a collateral damage of the Pharma Market. Many lifes are destroyed, no one is interessted.

So the fight must be fought.

Pfs, pas and pssri are not listed in the I C D 10. Pfs, pas and pssri are not recognized by the official medicine. Warnings of the horryble siteeffects are not complete. Not any word about the devastating syndromes.

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Pharma are nothing but profiteering criminals and the establishment aren’t much better. One day we will be heard.


The worst thing is, that I took the pills without any view to the internet. In the leaflet was only said “ED can rest after discontinue” but not that it can resist for years even a live long. I was so stupid!!!
I have been weird. It was self harming behavior. But I never heard of pfs before. Thisbhas to be listed in the leaflet.


None of us made an informed choice. We were all mislead/ mis sold this poison.


Although Drs have to inform the patients about dangerous sideeffects. But no Dr ever heard about pfs.
I trusted my urologist when he gave me two packages just to try it!!!. He didn’t inform me about the risks and devastating sideeffects. He died on covid! And after two years in a bad moment with my fiancee I started one of the packages. It was self harming behavior, with a legal medicine described to help me.

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Your Doctor was unlikely to know, like us drs and prescribers trust the packaging etc and that any potential risks are included in the accompanying leaflet. Merck are the ones to blame!

After all Ryan I think you lost your wife like I lost my fiancee for this chemical trail, wich altered our live from a settled family father with daily sex and fun with friends to the sick boy on the block. On the other hand just these thoughts are poison.
So I’m sorry I have to learn that this is the past for us and as faster I close this up in the past, as faster I can start to find pleasure in my new live. She lives at the place I have loved, so I have to look for a new surrounding. It was the poison not me which killed the love. No hate. Just relax and forget.
Testosterone is back, not for hate against the one who profits from the poison that killed my dick, locking for new grounds to walk, to cycle, to travel through, just forget the past. Just relax from hate. I don’t hate MSD because if I tell my thoughts I’ll be suspended here and it may be a case for justice.
I need time to accept my new reality as a castrated, maybe c…ck comes back like in two nights, I had a strong boner again. Or was it just a dream.

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That’s the correct mindset @Exsexgod and who knows u might be showing signs of improvement

So it seems fatigue is gone a little bit, aggression is back a litte bit, but I’m fare away from the state some milde cases functioning to go through the next decade.

Muscle loss and numbess of limbs is still hard and my new live feels unreal, like a filmroll I have to roll back to the day I took the first pill and the visit at the urologist, when he handed me the pills out two years before. And in my imagination I dont take the packages with me and I dont react in such a self harming way of the shauting from my girlfriend.

And I thing in the beginning it was hard for you and other guys too, to have the first EDs with fiancee, girlfriend or wife, like me with my love (they look like sisters!) and loosing the relationship because of this. Not having a relationship anymore, this is the hardest thing for me.

Who long did you need to accept the new situation, to live on your own?

By me the same 10 Years all Day Horror… i cry for Pain…

it get worser and worser…