
Of course they are going to eat what they have, IT’S ALL THEY HAVE. If you have a choice, we’re talking about the difference between thriving and surviving. There is a big difference between the two.

It’s more than that, way more than that. Yes, the actual fast is when most of the changes occur, but in order for those changes to cement themselves and in some cases express themselves, you need to be vigilant in what you eat. I know for a fact you will get more mileage from your fast by staying raw for as long as possible. What will it hurt? You can eat your rice and grains when ever you want. But if you are going to go through 21 days of no food, you should make sure it counts. This is why you go to a clinic to do this, because they also educate you at the same time. Usually holding several lectures and videos per day. Thats part of what you pay them for, the education you get when your there. I think you may be going into this a bit blindsided.

This is why you go to a clinic. You have some time on your hands, read “Grain Damage.” by Douglas Graham.

Fair points. I don’t think I’m going into the fast blindsided. I do have previous experience. But the more information I can get the merrier. I’ll check out that book. I will do the non-grain thing because I have nothing to lose, really. Would you care to venture a guess as to how sure you think I’ll recover from these speaking side effects once I’m done with this?

Here’s another thought. I’ve heard we’re not supposed to do heavy exercise while water fasting. Why can’t I jog a little each day? Get the blood and lymph flowing and perhaps shortern the fast? I’m not saying fast jogging, but a nice, relaxed jog for half an hour each day? If I feel like I can do it, why not?

cdnuts. You went 21 days on your fast. Could you have gone longer? If you could have, perhaps a longer fast might help you recover from your sexual side effect? This guy Don Tolman on YouTube talks a bit about fasting’s health benefits, and there’s a guy you can Google named Marc Hellerstein, PhD, at UC Berkeley.

You say this above and then you ask this below:

You’re going in blindsided. You don’t have enough information, and I can only help you so much. I’m not going to be able to hold your hand through this fast, sorry. That’s why you go to a clinic and pay them thousands of dollars to do it.

Where did you do your water fast? Were they supportive in terms of your anxiety etc?


I’m not going into the fast blindsided. Sure, there may be some information that I could learn, but I wouldn’t call that blindsided. I’m sure the people that run those fasting clinics have fasting experience themselves, but I think that a combination of outside knowledge and personal intuition is the best formula here. No doubt a clinic experience would be best, but I don’t have that money to shell out. I’m going with the next best option. I’ll be on day three tomorrow and my detox symptoms so far are minimal compared to my first fasts. I just take it one day at a time and try to keep my mind off the fast. Day 21, more or less, is not that far away. I think about what I was doing 21 days ago.


Do you know that if not done correctly, or the right symptoms are not listened to, you could cause grave damage to yourself, even death? Personal intuition may lead you astray in this endevour, it’s experience in the matter that leads the way. These places have the experience of fasting thousands of people and have come across every situation that there could possibly be. You may think you have enough info, but clearly from your question about jogging, you have no idea.

Fasting: is a state of complete rest. Digestive rest, neurological rest, physical rest, you completely REST. You don’t go out for a light jog. If anything you are going to make your fast LESS effective by pulling that move. By draining your physical energy you are slowing down or stopping the ability of the body to cleanse itself. That is why you are fasting, TO CLEANSE YOURSELF. Do you understand? I don’t think you get what you are about to attempt. REST.


I’ve fasted twice at which is where I learned the bulk of my knowledge about fasting and raw food diets.


You stopped Propecia on 15 June 2007. When did you do the fast that got rid of your speaking side effect, in 2007 as well or later?


You need to relax. I’ve already told you in this same thread that I don’t remember EXACTLY when that specific symptom was resolved. It was not a big deal to me compared to what I was going through at the time. You need to stop focusing on it so much.

I’m 4 days into a fast… and i must agree that i feel more alive then i have since i got pfs.

Are you not eating anything? just drinking water?

CDNuts, where are you at with your recovery and fasting these days?

Sounds like you regained quite a bit of sexual functionality from your initial fasting. Can you update on what you think worked and so on?


Others got the same results by eating a diet that is very easy to digest, such as raw food. Maybe you want to explore that route at the end of your fast.

It should be noted that CDnuts, mentioned he definitely was not 100% recovered after fasting. He said he some improvements, but he still mentioned having problems. I can’t recall exact details, but the point is be realistic with your expectations from fasting. Just because he is not posting, doesn’t mean he is fully recovered.

[Size=4]The intricate interplay among body weight, stress, and the immune response to friend or foe[/size]


These results imply that in autoimmunity, stress may be beneficial, and that short-term starvation may help reverse disease. In fighting microbial infections, perhaps stress is detrimental and eating is recommended, but in the case of autoimmunity, the opposite holds true: stress is actually good for you, and starvation is helpful. Grandmother’s advice may have to be refined depending on whether the immune system is attacking friend or foe.

VERY interesting. I had a weeks release of nearly all symptoms around a month back, it followed a period of very high stress. I made a mental note in the weeks that followed. Now, around 8 days ago I had another period of very high stress, what followed was more release from symptoms and better sleep for a few days. In addition, I feel better when I eat light, or don’t eat. Heavy eating worsens my mental symptoms and eyesight. I don’t appear to have any digestion issues and passing regular stool. Thanks for this post

I have experienced similar. Very interesting indeed, good post Tim. It looks like i will be trying to stress myself out more as well as starve myself occasionally, ha ha.

More evidence for possible autoimmunity means dexamethasone and low dose naltrexone may be useful. Quite a few guys on this board are on low dose naltrexone now. It might be a medication for you au natural brothers to consider as it is considered absolutely harmless.

Great find.

We should try doing a proper fast with those companies that organize to do it in retreats, like CDnuts did.

Do you only drink water while you are fasting? Does anybody know what institutions offer such a “fast monitoring service”?

Do some research on google ‘fast retreats (your country)’ might be a good place to start.