Facial Changes (physical)

For anyone experiencing facial changes, did your changes start abruptly or were they subtle? Mine seemed to be rather abrupt and there are honestly days were it appears to vary in severity, almost if getting to the point where it looks near recovered. This is not just psychosomatic either. Has anyone recovered from these? Also, do you think it’s fat loss or something more? It just seems impossible for this to happen.

Abrupt and not subtle. Have not recovered anything except eyebrow loss which slowed for a while, then started again, then slowed again. In my case I think it’s fat, collagen, muscle, and bone loss. And skin dysfunction.

Thanks for responding, Mitch, and I’m sorry you’re experiencing this. It’s incredible that it happened so quick for you just like me; I’m talking a matter of days if seemed to change and still does. I can’t tell if it’s any of those or a combination of them. It’s just crazy.