About 6 months after stopping propecia I became aware of subcutaneous fat loss to face. This has affected the area around my eyes, my cheeks, and neck, and as a result of this fat loss I now have stretchy skin (and shit quality skin at that thanks to propecia fucking it completely up and thinning it/affecting collagen whilst on the fucking drug) which falls with gravity, depending on the position of my head. The fat loss is most evident around my eyes and cheeks. A blood test for a connective tissue disease came back as very weak positive which also can occur in one out of five people with no disease present. This could be imflammatory/auto-immune or a result of much increased DHT post-propecia, or whatever.
Anyway, I’ve rambled on about this before. Thing is, I now experience occasional dull aches in various areas of my face where there has been fat loss. I don’t know if this is because I’ve lost the cushioning effect of having fat to protect skin from bone etc. It’s just that I’ve not found any references to this dull ache when I’ve googled facial wasting/lipoatrophy etc. I was wondering if others who have experienced facial fat loss have experienced this as well?