@Jonnas12 Before things got bad/severe and discovering pfs I reacted positively to almost everything I was already doing what is suggested on here to combat the growing list of symptoms Unfortunately once I fully kicked fin it all went south and everything I tried, revisited worsened things. Avoidance of trigger foods “which are many” removing stressful situations, trying to make a difference to people’s lives" being more selfless, volunteer work, focusing on what should make one happy, fulfillled , taking in the outdoors, light exercise no matter how weak;/fatigued, telling those close to me how much I love them, trying to be grateful for each day despite feeling the emotional opposite, talking to God and asking for his healing Gluten free cornflakes without milk, lots of water, chicken, beef and potatoes. I’ll have some veg once per week any more crucifies me A weekly single day of water fasting feels very worthwhile, it gives my systems a rest. Above all I do my best to hold back the fear etc and try to do some of what I took for granted and re enact my old emotional state in the hope it /I will re emerge. A few years ago if would happen briefly
and Id feel reborn and and capable of taking on anything.“the old me” It’s worth hanging on just to feel this again but it also brought home the realisation of how much I’d lost/fallen.
Sorry probably a lot more than what you asked for pfs makes me ramble like a fuckwitt A to Z instead of to B