Hey all, its seems that the summer is approaching and im trying as hard as i possibly can to try to continue my life the way it was. i have been working out every other day for the past 3 months and exercising at least a little every day, yet i still am appaled with the way i look and feel. i can lift significantly less than when i started and look much worse than when my routine was nothing more than push ups and sit ups occasionally a few years ago. i now play sports and have a pretty intense workout plan that im finding harder and harder because im only getting weaker and its discouraging. im seeing an endo tomorrow but dont see anything good happening overnight. i wanted to know if anyone had any recommendations on gaining muscle. supplements, drugs, diets, WHATEVER that works. i can hardly run anymore my legs are so weak. thanks all!
I have lost a lot of muscle over the past year. I’ve worked out as hard if not harder than before quitting fin. I was a big muscular guy and now a lot thinner. Generally, I work out and don’t even get a ‘pump’ or soreness the next day. The muscles don’t do anything. I have had a few periods where I was gaining some muscle back, but I’d eventually crash and then that was it. I think the only way to rebuild yourself is to ‘bring on the guns’ i.e. getting on Clomid, some have had luck with pro hormone supplements i.e. androhard, or if youre really desperate trt.
Agreed. I’ve been trying the natural route and it hasn’t worked for me. I get improvement sometimes but crash others so it’s a wash.
damn, thats a bummer guys. i think im gonna get testosterone recovery stack from primordial performance if i dont have any luck with my doctors for a while. i probably wont talk to anyone like jacobs shippen crisler or anyone TRT related for a long time. and no luck with test boosting supplements? this sucks. androhard looks awesome but i feel like it wouldnt work right? did any of you guys have good results, i dont want to damage myself further before exhausting everything safe.
I seem to have this varient too. Im still losing muscle and have put alot of stomach fat on despite high dose TRT and HcG since February and a clomid/t3 cycle late last year. Saw someone a few weeks ago I hadnt seen in over a year, since before Fin crash. The guy was speechless and just stared blank faced at me for a few awkward moments. I think people just assume I’ve really let myself go.
Im thinking maybe TRT was a mistake…
I’ve been through this scenario and never took TRT. What estrogen blockers did you use/are you using?
I take an over the counter e2 blocker. You are supposed to only take it for a month, then at least a month off.
Search the threads. cdnuts did a run and had good results, but he is in a pretty functional state as it is. Its a pro hormone, so it is not something that is as benign as some of the other supplements we’ve all taken. I would wager that you will feel something.
Given the TRT you’re taking I think you should be taking something stronger like Armidex and something to control prolactin.
Aero is doing something like this check out his posts on this page of his member story. It might stop conversion of T to E and help you drop some weight and get back some form.