Expression of 5ar2 in the body

the sad thing for us is if they do pull the drug of the market no one else crashes and without mass numbers of people effected we have no hope of a cure.

Although if they do pull the drug from the market then I suspect that an as yet undisclosed number of men will experience symptoms post-finasteride i.e. many who have no or more manageable symptoms whilst on the drug who only discover how dangerous the drug is when they can no longer get it and their body reacts to it no longer being in their system. I expect a hell of a lot of shit to hit the fan then, although a lot of people with no sides would be unhappy if it was withdrawn also. All these men would have to be best managed off the drug to best avoid post-finasteride side effects because those that are already suffering as a consequence of Merck’s criminal contempt and profiteering are just the very tip of the iceberg.