when you say numbess, do you mean lack of sensitivity? My penis also feel cold as well… Not to the touch, but when it rubs against my bear leg it feels cold… Kinda odd…
Mine feels cold, hard and fiberous. The main issue is a very dead severe ache that I get there at all times. Was almost unbearable today. Really cant imagine myself ever recovering.
at eight months off, mine has regained a bit of size back, but still has the folds on the foreskin toward the head. Also has the ‘kink’ toward the head and leans to the right. The numbness has increased over the past few months. Sometimes its worse than others. By numbness, it feels like its actually numbed like when you go to the dentist and get a local anesthetic before getting a tooth extraction etc. When I touch it, it doesn’t feel like it used to. I can pinch it and not feel pain unless I really pinch it hard. I guess that is best way I can explain ‘numbness’. Recently, I was sitting on the armrest of a chair for about 15 minutes and didn’t realize that the arm was lodged against the perineum nerve. When I got up my entire genital region was completely numb. I could not feel a thing when I touched the penis. That was very freaky.
Within 3 days of starting Finasteride, I felt my penis (and scrotum) begin to tingle, as loss of sensitivity and numbness set in… likely due to androgen deprivation from lack of 5AR2/DHT metabolism in genital tissues. It literally felt as if the nerves in the genital skin were dying.
As proscarred states, “By numbness, it feels like its actually numbed like when you go to the dentist and get a local anesthetic before getting a tooth extraction etc. When I touch it, it doesn’t feel like it used to. I can pinch it and not feel pain unless I really pinch it hard. I guess that is best way I can explain ‘numbness’.”
That is pretty much the same thing for me. There is no more “pleasurable” feeling from touching the penis, the nerves no longer give any sensation. It feels like touching your arm or foot, and both penis and scrotum have a “rubbery” feel to them since the drug.
As for coldness increasing throughout the day and into the evening, I have also had this on a constant basis. It has slowly gotten a little better over the past 5 years but overall, penis is no longer “warm” like it used to be. I do believe this is a bloodflow related issue, due to androgen-dependant penile tissue undergoing apoptosis (cell death) from androgen deprivation (loss of T/DHT) while on drug/after crashing, and resultant tissue hypoxia (lack of oxygen) from the apoptosis/lack of erections… possibly leading to increased fibrosis/collagen deposits in the corpus cavernosum (spongy tissue) as a result.
Scary thing is my penis is painful, shrunken, fiberous even with cialis and testosterone drops daily. That being said maybe we should all be on low dose cialis to get some blood flow there until there is another option for treatment. Maybe that will help the cell death issue and at least preserve some sensitivity.
Mew, no improvement at all over time with sensitivity? Are you able to get erections at all? Sometimes I’ll go days without erections but when I can have them they are about 2 inches shorter and 2 inches less girth than before Fin.
Are you guys experiencing complete numbness? Because I seem to have feeling on my right side when I squeeze. Been taking Viagra and pumping daily, starting to get my blood flow back very slowly.
Cialis does help. Also penis exercises have been as well. Check out the pe gym website forum. Great stuff about gaining sensitivity, overcoming Ed, etc.
P.s. It took me a week to be able to get my junk to stay hard enough to do the jelqs. It was really discouraging, but now it is starting to work.
Ah yes, I’ve heard of Jelqing before. I thought it was a form of ‘penis enlargement’ cough bullshit cough. You mean this stuff is actually used for erectile dysfunction? I have not heard of such as case.
I think the constant stimulation helps. Not sure about the gains, but you should check the forum and see for yourself.
I’ve been to every side of this coin.
my penis has been and continues to be cold often. Ice cold in the same way people get cold hands and feet, the more exercise I do or the harder I work out it seems the worse this feeling gets immediately after.
I’ve suffered from both insensitivity to normal sensitivity to over-sensitivity to unpleasant sensitivity, which I currently have. Most touches are unpleasant and I have to focus hard to get to a pleasant enough place to have sexual activity.
I’ve also had full function restored and a warm penis after years of this, so I don’t think this is permanent.
My problem is similar to that of proscarred. I do not feel anything. I do not feel pain etc. It feels like its actually numbed like when you go to the dentist and get a local anesthetic before getting a tooth extraction etc. A urologist confirmed that my penis is numb by sticking a small needle into different parts of my glans - I didn’t respond to it. I did not feel any pain.
… well… the skin on your elbow… you can pinch it and it doesn’t hurt. It’s kind of like that for me on my penis… I can pinch pretty damn hard before I feel anything. Although I do have good days rarely where it feels more sensitive. I also noticed my penis is very cold throughout the day.
Also before fin, when I touched my penis… i would only feel the sense of touch on my penis… i had to focus to be able to feel the way my penis felt on my hand… Now when i touch it i can feel my hands nerves more than my penis’ if that makes any sense…
This makes sense. Doesn’t 5ar2 get converted in genital skin and 5ar1 does not? I thought I saw a chart showing that.
Hi All fin suffers
I have been off fin for 7 months now and from what i can tell i suffer from 2 issues, 1. loss of libido, 2 penis numbness.
Its the second one that bothers me most. Over 6 of the 7 months it has become more and more numb. This week it has gone so numb i cant feel a thing. It strange because i get night errections and morning ones to, but i have to check myself to see if one is there as i would not know otherwise.
What is strange is that this week i started taking 100mg of zinc and planned to do this for 2 weeks. The first few days i actually thaught this is great i can feel some sensativity coming back, but over night it has resulted in the loss of the litlte sensativoity i had plus the small gains i noticed. Anyone have a theory on this.
Also has anyone had a recovery with the sensatiity issues or is it case of once its gone its gone? I think i could live with low libidio, but complete numbness is so bad i need consulling to accpet something that has been there for 32 years has now gone.
I’ve recovered and lost and recovered and lost and been left with an overall unpleasant feeling most of the time. Overall it seems like a downhill slide but every time I’ve gotten to the point of losing all hope something happens to bring it back.
Its gotten worse over time with me in terms of numbness. I have the completeness numbness followed by a bounce back phase like Martin mentioned. I would not wait around before seeking treatment. That is just my take on it.
4 me the coldness started after the numbness, the numbness started after the ejaculatory anhedonia which i still have. i got rid of the coldness with five weeks of hrt but at the same time increased the numbness i had lost. watch out for ur glans n nuts they will probably shrink, its crazy i know. im with mew but i believe the prob is a AR gene mutation not an endocrine disorder. Way i c it, if u can orgasm u should be happy with that. The truth is the secret lies with us, millions of men use propecia problem free, for sum of us its psychological n for others i doubt were ever find out as all the men on here r very insecure n ashamed of their problem so just sit at home n post lil bits of info online n live impotent. not much u can do hormone levels cum bk as normal as far as da medics can c we are all mad.
Danny, most if not all of us seem to have this to some degree. Click on my posts and view the thread regarding a varicocele. It is one possible explanation to what happened to us in this capacity.
MartinM and/or proscarred you said “I’ve also had full function restored and a warm penis after years of this, so I don’t think this is permanent.” Did you have full sensativty back after years of nothing? If so for how long.
I am seeing some improvements i think (maybe too early to tell for sure as only used for 10 days) in sensativty of the mucle under the skin not the skin itself. I have been applying andractim gel - info here steroid.com/Andractim.php. Appearnce is better and colour is improving and it feels fuller and heavier than normal.