Experimental tests two months later need explanation

Test:7.08(before is 7.92,ten months before is 7.98)
Prol:21.81(before is 56.84,ten months before is 21.12)

E2:17.80(before is 32.1,ten months before is 39.72,But I did it in a different hospital, and I noticed that the range is 11-43,before is 11-87,so maybe the markers are different?)

Prog:0.32(before is 0.39,ten months before is 1.67)

I noticed that my E2 and TEST were both much lower, I didn’t think this was natural as my testosterone and estradiol didn’t change much after my crash twelve months ago and in just two months they were So much change? I’m actually at a post-crash baseline right now, with some ups and downs, and even days where I feel like 90 percent recovered, but the last ten days I’ve completely lost my sex drive and I don’t know why, and my mental state seems to have changed. It’s getting worse and worse. Does this have something to do with my E2? Is there any natural way to improve it?

By the way, I think my progesterone dropped from 1.67 to 0.39 after the crash, and then to 0.32 two months later, and my testosterone and E2 kept dropping as well, WTF?