Expectations / hopes for Baylor study

From seeing that someone confirmed that the Baylor study would be released in the next few weeks im surprised by the lack of discussion regarding it. Looking at this forum it seems that people have been waiting years for this. Do you feel that this will be a pivotal moment or do you think there is a risk that the research may be compromised by the interests of the big pharmaceutical companies?

People have been speculating regarding it in recent years, and there’s really no discussion to be had until it’s out.


If it doesn’t come out I wouldn’t be surprised, but if it does I would expect the data to be skewed significantly since Merck has been involved with Baylor I’ll leave it at that.


Agreed AaronF,

Crock of!! There will be nothing in it to help any of us!

@Accutane2020 one thing that you can do while you wait is take our survey - it’s a good way to contribute to the scientific research into our condition.


I have seen several studies now in which the conclusions are so obviously influenced by the pharmaceutical companies that it’s almost comical. The average person then reads them and thinks that they are fact. It is so sinister to think that there are countless people out there now considering whether to take these prescription drugs and not being presented the real dangers.

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Apologies, I have had trouble taking the survey when I have sat down to do it - I don’t have access to a laptop at home. I will take the time to properly complete the survey when I do have access, I’m not comfortable completing it on my work laptop. Covid 19 and a difficult last few months Personally have meant that I haven’t had the chance to get out to an Internet cafe.


Im sorry but this is considered trolling. Add something to the conversation on top of your relentless quest for survey participants.

The Baylor study is going to be a catastrophic upset. This disease is far too complex. The amount of research, experimental drug trials etc that the some thousands of people minds actively pursuing this in life because they have PFS, that use themselves as guinea pigs on this forum and other forums just like it, have compiled over the years, is far more in depth than one study could ever accomplish. Sorry to say. Oh and if it even comes out, which I’m not holding my breath for.

How we know Merck involved with Baylor?

Yeah except having this discussion about our expectations and hopes for baylor, like majority of the topics posted, has brought us no closer to a solution. Getting people to do the survey might.

We don’t, it’s just speculation. Is it possible? Yes. Is talking about it going to make it more or less true? No. There’s nothing we can do about it, so might as well expect nothing and hope to god everything turns out alright.

The urologist that was part of the study was paid by Merck to promote the drug fosamax if I’m not mistaken.


Guys, don’t get your hopes up for this paper. Merck controls Baylor and Dr. Khera so he’s most definitely going to publish a groundbreaking paper disproving the existence of PFS.


Honestly, it seems sort of obvious what this is going to be. A new abstract for his study was included within the past year in an informal brochure for a conference but hasn’t been published in a peer reviewed journal. Tzinkman linked to this in another thread.

As for Merck’s influence, we’ll see how the article looks when it comes out.

Dr Khera has been paid previously by Merck for other research efforts and therefore cannot be trusted .


I don’t think it’s trolling at all to remind users to take the survey since the latter is important for all of us to make progress.

@ll_amp_Prosper By the way mate could you also take the survey please? The admins put a lot of work in it and we need everyone to advance our cause. Thank you very much


Yes, except that he wasn’t paid for research efforts. He was paid a personal promotion fee of $33k by Merck - one month after the Baylor study was announced. That was back in 2012. We don’t know if and how much he has been paid by Merck for research in addition to that. Although we do know that the Baylor College of Medicine has a multimillion dollar grant/collaboration from/with Merck for vaccine research and possibly a lot more.

The level of denial of reality on this forum is beyond comprehension.


Not wishing to be argumentative or to derail this topic, but frankly if you think it’s too much trouble to scroll past me asking people to take the survey, you need to have a think about where we might be if everyone had just taken it. If every signed up member of the forum had taken the survey, by now we might be announcing research, or even waiting for the results to come in from a research project that we’d backed, instead of having conversations about Baylor, the only light in the dark sky for some, because people would rather speculate on what may or may not be included in the Baylor study than help to get the next project off the ground.

I am genuinely sorry that you have to read these posts, believe me, I’m sick of making them. The other option is that I don’t and we let the survey die and the massive amount of potential it has to do good goes with it.


Damn… $33k. He’s living large on Merck’s dime. Actually, you can check on Dollars for Docs to see if he had any other financial relationship with Merck since then and you will be disappointed to see that he hasn’t.

The reality is like I said before, he’s going to publish a groundbreaking study that disproves post finasteride syndrome entirely. Unless of course, he’s not an agent of Merck.

I expect most people are going to be underwhelmed here because chances are he isn’t presenting us with the cure and I can assure you he’s not some Merck agent working to undermine PFS research.

Since we’re talking about hopes in this thread, I really hope he presents the cure.

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Hang on, how did the PFS Foundation, using money provided by Merck’s victims, end up signing up a researcher with a history of financial involvement with Merck?