First of all I apologize about my english cause I’m not a native english speaker.
I want to know if someone have noticed something about the relation between the scrotum, It’s behaviour and the testicle pain.
When my scrotum is expanded there is a tendency to feel testicular pain and they are too quiet (there isn’t any kind of motion inside the scrotum) and the testicles seems to be higher than normal, but when the scrotum is shrunk, I feel no pain and the scrotum seems to be in constant motion (expansion - shrinkage, expansion - shrinkage).
Actually most of time it is expanded, but when I was on Brocolli treatment, I didn’t feel pain and everything seemed to be normal to the right way, but when I stopped the brocolli, everything started to be like before: feeling pain in the testes and the scrotum is expanded, and having poor erections.
Does anybody feel the same??
I was on finasteride abot three years ago and stoped it’s use three months after the first does.
Thanks for your help