I’m sure tons of us would take a some improvements for now rather than wait until we can fix everything in it’s entirety but we still currently can’t do that with CRISPR because we’re not sure what the root cause of this entire mess is. We know 5AR2 has shown higher levels of methylation in PFS patients, but it is incredibly unlikely that reverting this would provide any symptomatic relief, for the following reasons (from Melcangi’s study):
"In PFS patients, neuroactive steroid CSF levels were
not significantly related to the percentage of SRD5A2 gene
promoter methylation "
So neurosteroid levels had no correlation to 5AR2 methylation status.
"We next evaluated whether the clinical parameters reported earlier (18) were related to the SRD5A2
methylation status. No differences were observed in the degree of erectile dysfunction (P=0.362, Pearson’s chisquare test). Accordingly, the five international indexes of erectile function (IIEF-15) domains, identified as erectile function, orgasm, sexual desire, intercourse satisfaction and overall satisfaction, did not differ between groups (P=0.710, P=0.456, P=0.535, P=0.805 and P=0.620,
respectively). Similarly, the depressive status previously demonstrated in these PFS patients (18) did not change between SRD5A2 methylated and unmethylated subjects, considering K-10 (P=0.890) and BDI and BAI (P=0.475 and P=0.485, respectively). The depression and anxiety degree frequency did not change between two groups ."
5AR2 methylation levels appear to have not dictated symptom severity either.
I think it’s more than likely that it’s simply a downstream effect of this entire mess, or something from before PFS (as Melcangi postulates).