Escitalopram induced severe PSSD

If there is a young woman highjacked, the whole country is in fear. But if a young woman’s life is destroyed by pharma cartels drug effects no one shoes any interest in her daily suffering. Citalopram is the standard drug in psychiatric wards and from psychiatric doctors. And pharma cartel knows the side effects. And the regulator agencies too. Criminals who let us suffer for the profit of the pharma cartels.


This is a very good point. There’s a strong disconnect.


I got officially diagnosed with PSSD and anhedonia here in Finland. I suggest Finnish people if there are others in this group to go see Juhana Piha. It is nice to feel validated for once.


Oh and he knows PFS and PAS too.

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Here in Germany Prof. Zitzmann from the University of Münster is the capacity who recognize PFS, PSSD but there is still no entry of both in the ICD 10. So even with a diagnosis the majority of the medical community doesn’t know anything about or even denying the existence of this horrible syndromes. They prescribe finasteride, Citalopram, Sertralin daily, never heard of PFS, PSSD or telling I never met a patient with this, so it’s irrelevant.

But with the initiative of doctors like Juhana Piha and Zitzmann we have some serious diagnosis from a medical university department in our hands!!

We all can hope that the diagnostic parameters lead to an entry in the ICD10. Pharma war machine will fight against. I hope a genetic predisposition will be 1identifyed soon.

PSSD research is just starting up! Hope once the mechanism is identified and maybe a cure is not only a dream.

For you personally I sent you my congratulations that now no one can blame you as just depressed anymore.


Is there anything that comes with that…like does that get sent to prescribers or open anyone up to liability etc

He said I could try suing

Dear Gavia,
I’m so sorry about your situation. I have been suffering from PFS for months, I got sick in November of 2021, exactly the same time you wrote the main post. Unlike you though, I don’t have anedonia, maybe more difficulty in doing things, but I can laugh, cry, joke with friends, enjoy the little things in life. It is not easy to live day by day in these conditions, I have many symptoms, but I am combative.You must be strong Gavia, and think that in the future you will be fine and this will be a bad memory (I really wish you)


Thank you. All the best to you too.

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I tried to sue the urologist backdoor fricklers but they ice cold told my layer I had been informed about the side effects.

Time to sign up every prescription by doctor and patient in the patient history on a tablet connected to the computer and critical patient can order a print with original signature.

So than doctors can be sued like every other profession who kills people by making huge mistakes.

And no pharma muster package should allowed to be handed out without a documented risk info!! That undocumented hand out was, what killed my life.


I don’t understand why it isn’t done like this. You sign a consent form when given drugs and this form is kept on record. I would NEVER have signed it after reading it.


We know they’re liars and cheats, they would understate the dangers on the form and get it signed by deception. Jim


I’d be interested to know that if they said that you had been informed about the side effects, what it is exactly they claim that they told you.

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