Erercise, Maca & L-Arginine have been effective for me

I was on Propecia for over two years when I noticed I had weaker erections, lower semen output and lower sex drive. I quit taking Propecia about 5 months ago and unlike the manufacturer’s promises, the symptoms did not immediately go away. I saw a urologist and had my testosterone level tested. It was 600 and he said this was perfectly fine so this may not apply to those who have developed lowered testosterone.

I increased my workouts to 5 to 6 days/week, which included intense weightlifting, running 2-3 miles/day and in addition I take 3 g of maca and 3 g of L-Arginine per day. After 4 months, I began to see major improvement (i.e. I feel like having sex all the time, much harder erections) and it has stayed that way. I feel very good right now and I’m extremely relieved to see positive results after hearing all the horror stories here.

thank you very much for your posting and success story here rivaridge! Were you experiencing difficulty obtaining an erection for weeks after you stopped, but now you feel back to normal?
I feel very scared, however, your posting here is a big inspiration.
I only took the stuff for freakin THREE weeks TOTAL. and I feel like I can’t have an orgasm like I used to. I am very disappointed. I hope things will loosen up and I can have that throbbing throbbing excitement again like I used to when I just used to wanna ram it home, and couldn’t wait to get my clothes off, you know what i mean.!!
Thanks for the posting again.
Its an inspiration.
Have you heard others success stories?
I would like to hear a little more about your details too.
were you worried for long?
sorry for all the questions…

Hey rivaridge:

Are you still taking maca and arginine? If no, are you still fully recovered?

Really? With Maca? I tried it for a week or two but nothing special happened.

Did you get bad stomach pains with Maca? I did and they were unbearable.

Yeah I had horrible stomach pain when I was taking Maca. It is known to cause intestinal gas and discomfort in some people.

Probably takes longer than a week or two to notice any benefits, ay?

Stumbled on this thread when I did a “maca” search.

Wonder if this guy actually got back to 100%?

Yeah, it’s a shame that some guys report improvement and then don’t come back to tell us whether they recovered.

I started daily exercise and weightlifting 10 days ago and it is really helping my erections. After heavy squats and lots of pull up’s I can literally feel libido building up around the perineum area if I haven’t masturbated that day. This is the first time that weightlifting and exercise has given me benefits. Before, my body could not handle it and I would crash before bed. It helps my mood and I am building muscle rapidly. Gonna stick to this.

I hate to be pessimistic, but every time I see someone with a total of 1-5 posts, and then never returns, I tend to think it could easily be someone stopping by to protect Propecia’s name. Or, at least provide false hope to keep people from pursuing lawsuits, and instead focusing their attention on healing “naturally”. I know I could be wrong, and perhaps some people who have recovered or made huge strides come back to encourage those suffering, and then stay the hell away because why would you not want to get away from this site if you could… but it’s just always fishy to me.

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