Erectile dysfunction vs loss of sex drive

Do you have erectile dysfunction or loss of sex drive (libido)?

  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Loss of sex drive
  • Both

0 voters

Which one do you have: loss of libido or weak erections? Which one are you concerned of?
Just a fun poll to compare our side effects and lighten up our days :slight_smile:.

Aren’t these problems kind of related? If you have no sex drive, it’s really difficult to get it up.

This type of poll isn’t “fun” in the least. Nobody wants to have to deal with these issues. Nor does the poll offer an option for “both”, which many have – so I added that option.

That said, it is possible to have great libido yet have impotence due to mechanical issues (bloodflow constriction, fibrotic tissues changes etc) with the penis.

I think you can’t have both. If you already have loss of sex drive, you can’t get it up anyway. That’s my way of thinking.

I have to disagree. There are guys who have no libido, yet when they take Viagra (or in Joetz’ case, MelanotanII) had erections – they were just extremely mechanical, with no “lust” or desire behind them.