Erectile Dysfunction still no improvement after nearly 4yrs

Hey guys,

New to the boards but a long time lurker.

Is there anyone out there who has taken finasteride for 2-3 years and has recovered from erectile dysfunction?

I stopped four years ago and am still dealing with it - looking for some hope :frowning:

Hey, sorry nobody has answered your post yet. Iā€™d look up CDNuts totalmaleoptimization. That guy had PFS for 5 years and managed to fix himself and his protocol is all listed. There are also stories on the forums of guys who have fully recovered. Thereā€™s always hope man and giving up solves nothing.

Hey man. Welcome.

I too have the sexual sides. I am 4 months off the drug and I donā€™t really know how I feel right now.

I start losing hair immediately after popping the pill. I read that this is a symptom of the drug making you hypogonadal.

I stopped the drug but my symptoms really havenā€™t improved.

I am looking to touch base with other members to see what they have experienced and to help find ways to cure this bull****.

Thanks mate. Hope to hear back.

Hello, I took Avodart for over 10 years. I had problems with sex drive and obtaining a hard erection.

In order to combat this I have been using 3 grams of Mucuna Priens everyday. This natural supplement may help you recover.

Well I took it for 17 years and was 100% impotent for 2.5 years but the ā€œsexual plumbingā€ suddenly started working again.

The only medical treatment I tried was steroids injected into my bloodstream for five hours over five days.

See my prior posts. Good luck!


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