Erectile Dysfunction Question

I’m I the only one who doesnt have erectile dysfunction ? I have just about every other side effect from PFS including peyronie’s disease testicle shrinkage and reduced ejection but no ed.

When I took fin I thought it wasnt doing me much harm because I didnt get ed.

ED is one of the milder side effects of PFS if that was my only problem I would be doing a lot better.

it depends on the point of views, on the contrary e.d. is my worst problem.

Not being able to sleep at all and having very bad back pain is much worse than ED in my opinion.

Mark, so your penis curves to the left/right, you have testicle shrinkage and no ED? You can get rock hard, you can orgams absolutely pleasurably?

Yeah thats about right.

Would you please consider participating in the US study? If you have PFS, which it sounds like you do, but you don’t have ED, the gene study may show which genes are responsible for the sexual versus the mental, etc. They will probably compare you to the rest of us who do suffer from sexual sides. This will be very interesting and revealing of whats affected.

I dont live in the US so I dont think its possible for me to take part in the study.

mark, buy some l-glutamine and take some before bed… should improve your sleep greatly.