Erasing epigenetic modification

HI highly suggest you guys subscribe to this guys email list. He is really smart. He recently sent an email about epigenetics

“ > Nine healthy men, given a cocktail of human growth hormone (hGH), metformin, DHEA, vitamin D3, and zinc for 1-year, shed about 2.5 years off their biological ages, according to an analysis of their epigenome.

As a result of this study, I’ve had more people than usual ask the following questions:

Should I be taking hGH? Should I be taking metformin? Should I be taking DHEA?

You can find more at his site:

Specific study:


This first link is alternative health and highly inaccurate.

Re the second link, that’s interesting pilot data. As it says the data is not very robust however, and certainly not actionable given what is measured and what isn’t. Awor and I attended a livestream lecture and webinar with Horvath about his work around a year ago. Asked questions and discussed our situation and the potential of a study of PFS patients. Was quite interesting.


The first link is a link to someone’s website, not a study - not sure what you mean by its inaccurate. Peter Attia interviews some of the most highly coveted doctors and scientists in the world. He brings the best minds together on a wide variety of subjects, but focuses on aging.

Anyways, my point in sharing is that Peter has some amazing people on his show and it’s worth listening to. He also touches on all the hot buzz words in medicine (epigenetic, the gut, insulin sensitivity, etc.) and he explains how utterly expansive and complex these topics are. For the laymen like myself his podcast and newsletters are informative and at worst entertaining. IMO, it’s worth the read/listen.

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