World Epigenetics Summit, “Unlocking the Commercial and THERAPEUTIC POTENTIAL of Epigenetic research” conference in July for medical professionals. It doesn’t appear Merck is directly involved although of course many there will likely have some connection to Merck. Not sure if we could attend and alot of the topics covered look pretty heady. Would be very interesting to go at least. Very impressive cast of speakers including Stephen Baylin from Johns Hopkins University, lead institution in the world for epigenetic research. I guess at the very least nice to see things like this are happening.
This does look interesting, hopefully there is some groundbreaking stuff happening. To attend the full conference + workshops it’s approximately $1,500.
anyone knows if prof Traish is in?
if i remeb well , he is from boston
I didn’t see Traish on the speaker’s list. If we have some connection to someone who was going would be nice to see if they could network for us. Maybe there is some similar research going on we could benefit from or maybe get more institutions interested. I’m sure there is more to organizing research than I understand, just an idea.