Ejaculation without sensation treatments

I did somatic for 6 months which is supposed to release pelvic floor with no success. I would like to pursue reverse kegels more but I have a problem I can tighten my pelvic floor muscles but I can not feel them relax. Do you have exercises or a scheduled routine that helped you can orgasms back?

I only tried HCG for 6 weeks with no success I might try this protocol again for the 6 month period to see if it works. It is a very well tolerated drug for me besides weight gain

I can’t really find what ‘somatic’ is from some quick searching.

I had my first look at ‘kegel’-related stuff years ago. I got absolutely no benefits from kegel exercises. But the complete opposite was very helpful: relaxation of the pelvic floor.

If you have a chronically tight pelvic floor, this will compound any erectile problems and inhibit your orgasms.

You can get a check of your pelvic floor muscles via a public health physiotherapist. They can tell you whether your pelvic floor is damaged or not, then recommend exercises for fixing it.

There hasn’t really been a deliberate routine, but this is what I’ve been doing:

  • Do not tense the pelvic floor when engaging in sex or masturbation
  • This includes keeping relaxed before you get an erection. Tensing up the pelvic floor seems to choke off the erection
  • I have been deliberately relaxing my whole body twice a day. This has just been a basic yoga posture (the one where you lie down and relax everything).

Over several months in summer I noticed that my perineum area had bulked out, like the muscle had started to grow back there. When I got the crash using Accutane, one of the early things I noticed was that the perineum muscle shrunk.

I have been pleased with the improvements.


Voice have you tried any dopamine drugs like Mirapex or Cabergoline?

I’ve tried Cabergoline but Goldstein does not want to prescribe me Mirapex he thinks it could be too dangerous


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I read that can mess some stuff up. Be careful. Caber also. Any unwanted side effects you can report? Any benefits? Are you still using Caber?

Would L-Carnitine in the form of a cream be a possible treatment? I know penile health lotions contain an ample amount of that amino acid.

I also do this self-consciously. Before Fin, I had trouble sometimes achieving a proper orgasm because of the way I tensed my muscles. You definitely have to be relaxed to maximize pleasure.

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