Sir, i am being sincere, i beleive i have a soloution and a name for this condition, i am serious, you got to listen to me. I can help you and a lot of people here. Fina came from a herb, now fina may be more concentrated, neverthless its still has the herbs effects. now herbalists know herbs and polar opposites of such herbs. There must be an antidote. Also the effects of certain herbs on the body can be countered by using opposite herbs to bring the body in balance. I beleive that fina causes dhant/jaryan. Many medicines can cause varying degress of dhant / jaryan. But fina must cause it severely.
I am facsinated by all this now, it interests me greatly thats why i read up on internet all the time. Please keep with me dont stop reading cos i will reveal a plan for you guys.
First let me explain, Jaryan is ejaculation without erection, sometimes without sexual feeling. It also causes brain fog, tiredness and hypogonadal symptoms like lack of libido, weak erections and muscle wastage and weakness. If you have cloudy urine, or leaking after urination or just before this is the biggest clue for your condition. Some can leak after excreting. I know this because i suffered from it too and everyone here does. I got healed by treating Jaryan/Dhant.
Please listen to me, here is what you do:
DO NOT USE THE HAKIM I USED. If you think i am spamming or promoting someone for benefit i will quell your doubts with this. I have no vested interest in helping people. I am doing it as a good smaritan as i suffered like you guys.
Instread, go to your nearest local ayuverdic unani doctor (make sure he is legit), mention Dhant or Jaryan (these are hindi / arabic / urdu terms) and tell him you took medicine which caused sexual issues such as discharges. He will give you medicine, take it religously and within a few months you will be 100% as i have become. It happened to me and i took saw palmetto, ganoderma, and other herbs which must have caused jaryan / dhant.
This is for the benefit of humanity and said in good will. I genuinely believe this is the issue, fina just throws the body so strongly out of balance that it causes this condition.
Hope the best