Ehlar Danlos suggestion

Hello Guys,

Been doing a lot of research into this and it would appear that almost all of my symptoms “which are many” tie into Ehlar disease. A unique symptom is the loose skin along with a few others. Mostly people are born with this, show symptoms early and die at about 40 years depending on their severity. It’s a genetic disease with no cure. It effects 1 in 5000. It can be diagnosed via biopsy.
What if we had a biopsy "well at least all of those with loose skin and a proportion if not all of us tested positive. We’d have Merck by the balls it would prove without doubt medically that fin brought on a genetic change that none of us had prior to taking this shit. We developed a life long disease in adulthood. No one could turn us away. Solicitors, the press, the medical world. I think we would finally have a voice. I’ve asked for a biopsy today. Your thoughts are appreciated as always.

Misdiagnosis. Androgen receptors produce 50% of the collagen in our skin.

With PFS, clearly the pathway gets cut off early where the receptors cannot function.

Elhar Danlos is characterized by loose skin and overflexible joints. Loose skin as in the outer layers of skin are weakened, with PFS this is not the case, it’s the lower layers of skin that are weakened.

What E-D skin looks like

Saying Finasteride gave you Ehler Danlos is like saying vaccines gave you autism… it’s an inherited condition you can’t catch it.

But feel free to get a biopsy.


@Dknighten FYI

Fin causes genetic changes in some.mostly every physical symptom can be linked to this disease when googled. Eg tinnitus, dulled senses, sight problems, histamine response, food intolerances, nail issues, back pain, gum recession, teeth problems, fatigue, joint problems, other skin problems, heart issues, body temp changes, neuropathy. Irreg BP. And more This is the only condition which captures mostly everything. The receptor issue and ED are seperate manifestations of PFS.

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The severe members who have had this condition for a number of years and continue to get worse may disagree with you. Some new members seem to think they are a font of knowledge when they’ve just been tainted.

Agreed to an extent but Ehler starts from a very young age yet there are guys like me who have developed these symptoms as adults which is unknown. Im aware of another PFS sufferer who has actually been diagnosed with this. I’ll advise once I get my results. Additionally if you Google many of our symptoms outside of ED you can tie them all to Ehler which would indicate a specific gene. Some consider Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, MS etc as I have done with the continued deterioration. I’ve looked everywhere for an answer as the growing symptom list is abnormal as though something has been changed in my biological set up. Ehler seems to be the one that catches everything.

Epigenetic changes, there is a difference. But I am curious about biopsy.

Any update about collagen biopsy?

Never had one

Ok, thank you.
Do you know anyone who got collagen biopsy after finasteride?

I don’t sorry. I’m pushing lypidsatrophy now and that may require 1, not sure, leptin values are probably checked