Effects from Viagra

Imperial college at London recommended Caliais or Viagra and said it was generally well tolerated and may give me a lift. My GP actually prescribed the Viagra. Due to sensitivities I took maybe 1fifth of the pill yesterday. Positively I felt a bit of weight in my knob when I went for a piss. My muscles became firm, my eye colour became brighter and my mood slightly improved, I slept better and had normal dreams. On the negative side my tinnitus is louder, I had a headache, my skin is even dryer, knee pain, extremely sensitive teeth and sore throat. It suggests a change in dht and thyroid as well as possibly other hormones.
I’ve gone back to the GP to ask for Caliais at the 5mg dose as suggested by London ahead of Viagra

Any thoughts on the reactions, safety going forward.


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Well the increase in tinnitus makes sense because it’s a side effect of the drug in its own. So if you have it it might increase because it does increase bloodflow to your actual head too. So maybe the dilating and blood in the ear have something to do with the amplified noise.

I’ve also heard of ppl feeling like they have a cold when taking PDE5’s so that might explain the sore throat

All the other positive effects might just be psychosomatic because the pill worked and gave you an erection. So it made you more calm perhaps and happy?

But the other effects I have no clue

Just my thoughts

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Thanks @sg8627 for your input

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Side effects for me were the eye traces, sometimes lowered blood pressure, sinus congestion, and sometimes tinitus (which I think is from lowered bp). Eventually, the good effects stopped working so much and became inconsistent, but that seems to be more from venous leakage getting worse.

Cialis actually had worse effects for me, Levitra not as bad as Viagra. Some other PDE5i’s are not supposed to have as bad of effects like avanafil and udenifil.


How much V did you use Moon??

After not using for a long time I did 20mg with a pretty strong effect.
Did another 20mg today and while not as strong as the first time it still did it’s job

The problem for me is that since this started I had virtually no sensation on the outside. Tactile touch.
But I could always feel if I had an erection

Now I can barley feel it at all from the inside and I’m freaking the fuck out. I thought the outside loss was the worst but now that I can’t even feel from the inside is majorly distressing.
Idk what to do

I got to a point where I was using 150-200mg of V and even then it was not guaranteed to work. It was generic, so it was slightly underdosed compared to brand name, but still.


I get very little benefit from Viagra. It also causes side effects - a feeling of pressure in my head, redness to facial skin. If it had decent effect on erections I could probably tolerate the side effects ok.

Cialis however is quite good, several days of easier erections. Hence it is called ‘the weekend pill’. Feel quite natural. I am using it only when needed, at 10mg. I have halved the dose previously, using a pill cutter. The effect was lowered, unsurprisingly. 10mg is the correct dose for me.

The downside is that you need to take it some way ahead of your planned intercourse. It seems to need several hours to kick in. I haven’t noticed any side effects. I am cautious not to overuse it because I don’t want to lose the effects.

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Cheers @pete I’m only taking it to see if it improves my quality of life. Sex is the last thing on my mind and I’m too physically weak now tbh. I’ve had very dark urine since taking a small piece of Viagra. Waiting on a Cialis prescription will go low initially. Imperial college London suggested it to bring back some life positives. I’ll keep u posted. Thanks mate