Early stages blood test advice

Hello I posted here roughly a week ago and was wondering if anyone could provide me with some advice. I want tonbe proactive with this thing.

I’m seeing a doctor after my exams and am going to be referred to an endocrinologist what should I have specifically done as blood tests in order to get a good idea what my personal situation is?

Thank you

It’s entirely possible that blood tests won’t indicate anything is wrong - a good number of people here get tested and have all their results come back in range.

The most depressing thing here, and I am sorry to say this to you, is that your blood test results may indicate something, but that likely won’t lead to a treatment.

Some people are tested for testosterone and find that they have a low level. Some people here have been successful with Testosterone Replacement Therapy, while others have not been helped by that. Beyond that I’m not sure there’s anything the blood might indicate.

Someone else might have another perspective.

Forgot to mention survey

Fairs but it cant notnhelp may be something fixable you get me?

He’s only a month off.

Testosterone total
Testosterone free
Best of luck!

True, my bad

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Is that everything mate?

I think that would be enough for the first time if you used 5 ari.

Took accutane about a year and a half ago had bad sides from that.
Took one fin pill about a month and a half ago.

When you get your results ignore the healthy ranges for individual hormones (unless one is crazy low/high) and focus more on ratios, such as t-dht ratio etc. Google the healthy ranges for ratios.