In the past few rounds of labwork i’ve had, my cortisol has been low (below range) in the mornings. Cortisol is supposed to be highest in the mornings and taper off towards the evening, but my cortisol cycle is the exact opposite. It’s low in the mornings and gets higher during the day. I think I have severe adrenal dysfunction. It would help explain some of the shifts in fat deposits, thinning, dry, and rubbery skin, dry texture to hair, etc. Has anybody had any abnormalities in their cortisol labs?
hows your energy in general? Adrenal Px Balance, Adrenal cortex might be a supplement for you worth to try
I feel like total shit. I’m gaining fat under my chin, in my face, around my hips. My entire body is completely foreign. Brain fog and derealization 24/7. It’s been this way for 2 and a half years. Skin is grey, thin, pale, and cold.
Sounds really like adrenal fatigue. I have, and i think many with PFS have it as a result of unvoluntaty stress:
I was diagnosed with “adrenal insufficiency” many many years ago. Cortef and lifestyle changes helped a ton. I havnt had to use cortef in a few years regularly, but I do like to stress dose now and again. Urinary and saliva is better than blood draws for cortisol levels.
Did you ever have changes to your muscles, skin, and body hair?
Maybe it’s worth getting on a corticosteroid treatment imo if your doctor is willing to prescribe you it since you have a deficiency. I’ve gotten my cortisol blood tested and it’s all in range so my next bet is to do a urinary and saliva test and see if that’s any different. People with PFS seem to have adrenal insufficiency which explains why we are fatigued and exhausted all the time.
This is me 100%. Cortisol was thru the roof a few months ago. Now, practically non-existent. Full of energy at night (can’t sleep) and wiped during the day.