Dutasteride - Unique Hellish Effects?

I seem to be experiencing additional changes here from Dutasteride that people (including myself) did not seem to experience from the Finasteride. Please let me know if anyone else has experienced these…

Skin Changes (changes in the texture, elimination of moles)
Peripheral Neuropathy (extremely reduced sensation on skin surface, reduced reaction to both heat/cold and light touch)
Loss of Hunger/Thirst
Dry Mouth/Dry Eyes
Decreased Smell Sensation
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Paximeria I do not really know whether these sides are anywhere specific for Dutasteride. I think these sides has been reported by finasteride users too.

I may tell you that I have the same problems. My skin is dry with unpleasent texture. The feeling in my mouth is also dry and taste and texture of my tongue is also difficult to understand. Smell sensation is much flattened. Chronic fatigue sydrom is absolutely there. I am tired all the time with the lack of motivation. Interestingly if we look into details you forgot to mention something else but very important:

  • numbness of the limbs (usualy legs, but sometimes arms too) during the night and when you stay at one position ina a chair, in a bed.

  • my left hand is shaking sometimes, when I type on the keyboard.

“numbness of the limbs (usualy legs, but sometimes arms too) during the night and when you stay at one position ina a chair, in a bed.”

Yes, but as for myself I can actually poke my arm with a needle, pinch myself, or scrape myself with something and I can barely feel it (this is coming from someone who used to avoid getting immunizations out of terror of getting jabbed with a needle). I also have a nagging inability to determine what position my extremities are in when I close my eyes, especially determining the position of my muscles.

Pamximperia, have you checked your thyroid hormones lately? This could be Hypothyroidism, read about it:


I am having the same symptoms now (they started a month ago), so my doctor thinks i might be low on Thyroid hormones. He examed my neck and did blood tests. I don’t have the results yet.