Dry mouth sticky saliva etc help?

Foamy Saliva, dry mouth. Less ejaculate. I stopped finasteride 2 months ago. I was never taking much. I took it for 2 years. The only symptom I noticed was watery ejaculate.

I am exasperated. I started off by hypersalivating around 2 months ago. I was dribbling at night at first and noticed sores. I stupidly used sudocrem on the corners of my mouth by it cleared it. Then I noticed I was doing it in the daytime. It was worse after meals. I would get phelgm/mucus at the back of my throat and would have to keep trying to clear it by coughing. It felt like post nasal drip. Then the opposite happened. Hyposalivation. This occurred for a week. I felt like I had a lump in my throat and my mouth was dry. I sucked on a lemon for days and it cleared. Then the dry mouth and sticky saliva came back. It has not left since 2 months ago. I no longer get the lump. I sometimes get the mucus I cough up. My doctor changed my Anti depressants (was on for 5 years few problems) and I take lamoprozole. I was on propecia for 2 years but stopped that after this started. I did have problems for a few weeks with bad night sweats before this all started. I suffered a neck injury 2 years ago. It’s largely been physiod well but it still traps sometimes and I often feel it at night.

I forgot to say I did have a sore tongue and my lips were sore for a day or two.

I have also got less ejaculate now.

Sorry to go on too much.


I’m at a loss why I’ve never received a reply to this.

Hello, at first glance this could be the side effect of loss of peripheral dopaminérgic activity at d2 receptors.

Commonly happens with high dosage haloperidol

Otherwise I can only imagine it being a result of high cholnergic activity.

Hi. Does that mean it’s possibly nothing to do with the Propecia drug?

Can this improve?

It was probably caused by it but it’s not exclusive to it and doesn’t mean you suffered a true crash and now have the dreaded pfs.

I bet a lot of popular medications list dry eyes and dry mouth as common side-effects. At least you don’t have blurry vision which is a classic phenomenon for young males who ejaculate too much, you can research yourself what it’s caused by, apparently overtaxing your organs and temporarily depleting certain vitamins or minerals which your eyes need.

Hopefully you can reverse the watery ejaculate, it’s not something you should ignore and expect to be fixed with time, it’s something you should seek a solution to so then your body can repair itself.

Dry mouth from sympathetic nervous system dominance over parasympathetic.

How do you flip it around? Doesn’t eating large meals trigger parasympathetic, so then would fasting reverse it?

Is there anything I can do? It’s got worse.