Drug Study - Requip

I just got off the phone with someone conducting a study directed at people with sexual dysfunction from anti-depressant use. This study is for people who are currently taking anti-depressants, not people with Post-SSRI Sexual Dysfunction. They’re testing a drug to see if that will help with sexual side effects of anti-depressants.

The name of the medication is Requip. I was told it’s currently being used to treat people with Parkinson’s Disease and Restless Leg Syndrome. It works by increasing dopamine levels.

I know this isn’t entirely relevant to Propecia-related sexual dysfunction, but it’s still interesting. I know that one person here has had good success with bupropion, which also works by increasing dopamine levels. So perhaps at some point this medication will be worth looking into.

I’ve tried Requip with no improvement. Twice. The minimum dose for Parkinsons is .75mg/day. My doc said .25 should be enough for treating ED, libido, etc. I decided to try .5. No change except in the very beginning but I think it was a coincidence. I had a lot of hope it would work because I feel I might be susceptible to dopamine issues.

When he prescribed me the Requip, he mentioned two other options. One was another drug called Uprima which isn’t approved in the US. It’s supposed to be better. He said if I was planning on being in Europe I should try and get my hands on some (he seemed very enthusiastic about it). The other option was a trial going on for a new drug I don’t know the name of. The lab’s name was Paladin Labs in New Jersey. He encouraged me to try to get in but I didn’t want to. The thought of not knowing for the duration if I was on placebo, the length of the trial, etc.

These dopamine drugs…deserve more attention…

I think the reason why some of us ar enot getting better…even with normal-high testosterone is our neurotransmitters crashed…A lot of us crashed her, and our nerves never recovered…

Yeah, this is a theory already posted in a few threads in the theories section, and I raise the question here.

Although RK says he did not feel improvement with Requip i agree that these drugs could still be worth further investigation.

Both Requip and Mirapex have been shown to have the side effect of hypersexuality (the elevated desire to engage in human sexual behavior). And wikipedia states that Mirapex has been prescribed off label as a treatment for SSRI sexual dysfunction.



Has anyone else experimented with these drugs?

I believe anonnn1 tried requip.

I felt a little better on it if i could recall…helped with libido…but i got dizzy on it and had to stop…this was a few years ago…

anyone else trying requip? since sleep is so important and i dont get nearly enough, i think i’ll try some requip and see what happens.

Uprima is available on unitedpharmacies


Is it legal to import Uprima into Australia?

They also sell something called Zyprima 3, which like Uprima, is Apomorphine (but Zyprima 3 is cheaper for some reason). Has anyone ever ordered anything from this website? It looks shady. My fear is that they prey on sad pathetic souls (like myself) with destroyed libidos who’s only possible hope is a medication not available in his own country.