Dr Mark L Gordon

Has anyone seen doctor mark L gordon in Los Angeles? I saw him on the PFS website but he charges 2,500 just for a visit. Any experiences with him? He might be my only hope with this brain damage I have

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You don’t have brain damage. If you’re really worried about it, get it checked properly so you don’t have to worry about it anymore.

Again, try the search function.


I can’t find a doctor. How would you check that? The feeling I have had the past 2 months is brain damage

The American medical system is bizarre to me. I’d go to my GP, explain the problems and he’d refer me if he believed there was need to do so.

I assume doctors can detect brain damage with some sort of scan.

I’m guessing that the way to do it in America would be to Google the scan, find out what kind of doctor does it, Google that kind of doctor in your area. Make contact.

2.500 for a visit is insane.


Its the labs Gordon uses that are so high…Search my posts here I have posted about my entire expeirence with him…Basically a low dose of TRT and clomid mixed with supplements…He is very good but u may improve u may not…He told me PFS was like a chemical brain trauma…That disrupts neurosteroids…And that every patient he has with pfs had a previous TBI of some sort according to him is a Traumatic Brain Injury…

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Dr Alan Jacobs charges a lot less than that for an initial consultation. And Jacobs is a neurologist first and endocrinologist second so he can order brain tests and brain scans after he examines you.

The Traumatic Brain Injury thing sounds like BS.

I had no health issues what so ever before I took fin.


Yea I didnt either then remembered I got hit in the head with a rock slingshot as a kid…had to get stitches…I also fell and broke my arm as a kid he said if you ever broken a bone that qualifies and he said that shock disrupts neurosteroids…

I have no idea myself but if Khera is right and Gene’s are basically turned off epigeneticlly silencing androgen response in different tissues it wouldn’t matter anyway as there is probably no way to turn it back…

Who knows and from the looks of it we’re probably not gonna know for a long time…Blocking 5ar in the brain leads to different outcomes for everyone…Imo all these issues are due to alterations in the brain…But how can we be sure no one knows much about brain genetics.

Not sure if we have brain damage I think its just as likely to be an autoimmune problem.

Remember most of the damage fin does happens after we stop the drug.

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Mark, autoimmune dysfunction is a separate thing. Ask people who have RA, lupus, Sjogrens. Autoimmune diseases are literally white blood cells attacking normal cells. That is NOT what happens in PFS PIS PSSD.

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I have PFS and PIS, and I have a type of TBI, it’s not exactly TBI since I was not traumatically hit by a car on my head, but the effects of my Brain Injury is similar to a Traumatic Brain Injuury. All thanks to these prescribed meds I took!

Have you felt any better?

Yeah, when I take clomid or TRT --not too much and not too little. PM me.