Dr.Lin's approach for treating finasteride permanent damage

It is taken from www.propeciahelp.com

You should focus more on the importance of progesteron and the way it is metabolised in a body.

5AR deficiency/lack elevates progesteron and drops down its metabolism necessary to produce sufficient amounts of neurosteroids. Direct mechanism is progesteron—>5AR----->5alfanorprogesteron—>Allopregnolon + GABA activates
(here come most of the mental negative feedback)

Testosteron---->5AR----->DHT (here most of the sexual sides occur)

The proper action must take place in a brain. When 5AR is defficient you are turned to be more like a midle age man or even worse.

PS. Sorry for accusing Dr.Shippen for writing this, but the progesteron backround looks to be reliable and logical.


Dr. Lin he sales a snake oil products. His claims are the most stupid that you may find over the internet, despite some real scientific backround that he put in there to make it look more reliable. Do not read this idiot claims, because they are only to make you frightened and to create a desire to buy those snak oil products.

I find all this stuff very interesting.

nothing here?

if your 5AR is not working then your urinary tetrahydrocortisol (THF) should be very high and you should respond to DHT cream as shown here


In the younger sibling the diagnosis of 5 alpha-reductase deficiency was provisionally made at the early age of 3 days on the basis of high urinary tetrahydrocortisol (THF)/allotetrahydrocortisol (5 alpha-THF) ratio and this ratio increased with age confirming the diagnosis. Plasma testosterone: dihydrotestosterone (DHT) ratio before and after hCG stimulation was within normal limits at age 3 days but was raised at age 9 months. Topical DHT cream application to the external genitalia promoted significant phallic growth in both siblings and in the older sibling corrective surgery was facilitated. In prepubertal male pseudohermaphrodites with normal or raised testosterone concentrations, phallic growth in response to DHT cream treatment could be an indirect confirmation of 5 alpha-reductase deficiency.

Im lost, use DHT cream or progesterone? I had great benefits from just 5 days of progesterone cream. The explanation makes a lot of sense and accounts for our symptoms of low progesterone with adrenal problems as well (as Jacobs put it Pseudo cushings syndrome)

Finatruth are you still using it??

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my point is our problem is independent of DHT as many have tired DHT cream with no effects or more shriving of the penis where as these young siblings grew their penis bigger and bigger on continued DHT cream application. Also it pin points what test we need to do to confirm inactivity of 5ARs.

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Question is how can we make the body to produce new 5ar?

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Unfortunately, it seems not

According to Lin this http://linstitute.apollohosting.com/store/page23.html#33 would help the syndrome… mah…