Dr. Khera

Has anyone here heard of him or can the vouch for him, in any way? Thanks.

I’ve been recommended to see him so I am very curious to hear feedback myself. Especially before I fly across the country to Houston for a visit!!


I was told to go see him as well, but cannot afford it. He says he has two patients recovered by 80%. Obviously, they do not come here or they would have told us so. I am very curious about anyone who has had success with him.

How did they recover ?

I have no idea, this is what he told me.

He said he uses clomid vs hgc, armidex and possibly cialis for 3 months and then has the patient wean it … I think this is what he said, but I do not remember 110% to be honest … anyways, I havent tried it, so I cannot vouch for any of it.

…somebody has to have gone out and seen khera???

Who is he? Where is his profile on the web?

Looks like he has an interest in our condition:

andrologysociety.org/meetings/20 … 0Flyer.pdf

C.V.: bcm.edu/urology/?PMID=6213

Looks like he’s on board with believing and treating PFS.

…hmmm strange. I posted more information about Dr. Khera in the previous post but it seems to have been edited/deleted without explanation.

Is the doctors name mohit khera i live in Houston i have an appointment with him at the end of June can anyone tell me if thats him

Yes. He’s the one.

Unfortunately he understands this syndrome as well as every other doctor, which is not too well at the moment

you have gone to see him?

I have an appointment with dr khera on June 27th ill post how the consultation goes

junior, how did your appointment with khera go? Can we get an update?