Dr. Jacobs - Exploratory Study Investigating PFS

Dr. Allan Jacobs’ is conducting a survey of PFS victims with the goal of publishing results in a scientific journal.

[b][Size=4]- The inclusion criteria for the study sample are: You have taken the medication Finasteride (Propecia ®)

  • The exclusion criteria are: You have not taken the medication Finasteride (Propecia ®)

[Size=4]PFS Victims – COMPLETE THE SURVEY: surveymonkey.com/s/FinasterideStudy[/size]

"Dear Patient,

We are very interested in trying to find out why some men that take the medication Finasteride for male pattern baldness experience both physical and psychological side effects once they stop the medication. Over the past 4 years we have seen an alarming increase in the number of patients that experience significant medical symptoms. In an effort to understand why this happens we are collecting information pertaining to these specific problems with the hope that we may determine some associations.

Anne Ganzer, PhD. & Alan Jacobs, MD."[/i]

NOTE: If you have any questions about this study, please contact Dr. Anne Ganzer at hrpp@hunter.cuny.edu.University of New York (CUNY) UI-IRB-Hunter College Approved from: 05/03/13-05/02/14.Protocol #: 450392.


Thanks Mew



done. i have to say i am glad things like this are being done, but is it really necessary to have the question “are you hopeful you will be cured of PFS? Yes or No?”
How about… you tell me, doctor?

I will complete it tonight, but I hope it’s more scientific than the latest blog that was released. Perhaps I am too keen on to reading into things, but a question like " are you hopeful you will be cured of PFS" is either silly and stupid or an attempt to advance a certain agenda or belief about PFS

As is asking if we have family members who have had mental health issues. That has practically nothing to do with getting PFS. I’m not sure if this is of much use beyond a vanity project for Jacobs and his erroneous theories, though I completed it anyway.

It feels like a loaded question.

If you believe you can’t be cured, then you are likely to experience despair…which could perpetuate your symptoms.

If Jacobs believes there is a psychological element to PFS, then he might be testing for responses.

That’s one way of interpreting it.

Yes, I understand all of the above comments. I answered that, yes, I am hopeful. I am not convinced 100% that medical advancements will provide the cure for me, personally. (Though they probably will develop a treatment at some point). I have watched how my symptoms have ever so slowly peaked around a year ago and then slowly improved to the point where I am not suicidal and I AM hopeful. I believe there is more to do with my overall health (similar to cdnuts recently posted) that could help me get to an even better place.

Asking about mental health issues in my family is something I am not terribly offended by. I think people that are predisposed to anxiety/depression probably have a greater risk of developing PFS (though I don’t think there is a psychological component to PFS. But there are underlying mechanisms that could be similar to brain functions that trigger things like anxiety and depression.) I personally have had depression previously in my life. I think asking more questions about hereditary and predisposition to illness is good.

Are you hopeful you can be cured? Are you effing kidding me? Of course i am HOPEFUL. That’s why I haven’t called it, doc. Stupid question with no medical value, in my opinion.

We all know there is no cure, that what infuriates me the most, nor do I ever think there will be one. Not in my life time. The changes to my body are fucked beyond cure, unless they are going to invent a pill that makes my dick grow back to normal size or hang normal whilst flaccid and get rid of my hypogonadism, clear my memory issues so I can remember what the fuck I had for lunch and give me some lust for women, passion for sports and affection towards my kids!!!

Not a chance is hell, don’t care if I sound doom and gloom, I’ve got fucking good cause.

Whilst I completed the survey, I also realise its not going to prove much beyond what the shrinks in this mental home are telling me… It’s Depression Your Suffering With’

Depression did not cause ALL the above mentioned fucking problems.

I won’t sit around here waiting for a pill that cure all my ills, I’ll give it a few weeks in hope of improvement from Clomid, otherwise I will find my own cure to stop my suffering.

done,chill out man tigershul,ive been going through this shite for nearly six years,things will definately get better,the first year is a nightmare,things will calm down over time,i could barely get off the sofa the first year i was that fatigued,head up my arse wondering what the fuck was going on etc,my energy levels have gotten better year on year…


Has your penis and balls shrunk?
Do you have insomnia?
Have you strung yourself up in test run for ending your life within the last few days?
Has your penis changed so much it droops whilst flaccid and shrunken 2 inches erect?
Are you now on Clomid for low T?

If you have then I have hope I guess, otherwise i cannot chill!!!





I know this study is old but I just completed it. Just wanted to point out some of the questions are really badly worded :neutral_face:


Whether I choose yes or no, it means the same because of the double negative.

The question would have been simpler as:

Did you have symptoms while taking the medicine? YES/ NO