Dr Crisler's HPTA-restart protocol

Hi have seen a lot of stuff about Dr. Crisler’s HPTA restart protocol, but have not been able to find that protocol. Now that I have my condition under control, I am looking for ways to actually reverse it, does anyone know where I can find his HPT-restart protocol? He seems to say he has had success with it in some guys with PFS.
It is worth mentioning that I have had noted positive changes with Nolvadex (along with HRT and my HGH protocol). If anyone knows where I can find this protocol, please post it, I have tried searching to no avail, thanks.

I never seen anyone post that Crisler’s methods cured them. I think all he does is TRT , HCG with limited success. So pretty much what your already doing.

I recall seeing some posts on Crisler’s own forum (All Things Male) where some PFS guys tried his “restart protocol”. Like mcibofh, I don’t recall any successes.

I had read that he had wrote it has worked in some people, I am going to start trying other protocols every week, I tend to believe it can’t hurt. Keep trying to trigger my system till it sparks and works on its own, I have already had success getting everything working again.
This whole thing just gets exhausting, if I stop the protocol I am on PFS returns, it seems I have to use this stuff 3 X a day, I am basically regulating my own 5AR enzyme activity. HPTA restart protocols are harmless, have you guys tried them? I think I am going to start one for the next 4 weeks.

My experiences are giving me insight into this curse that can allow me to help others here.

Man, I know you’ve said that you don’t think doctors can help. But the best investment you can make is in the studies. If we are ever going to find a way out of this mess it will be through the research projects. Everyone is desperate here, but after a long history of trying things, very few seem to get better. This is why the research is the best bet for finding a way out. If you’ve money to spare, please consider donating it to the PFS Foundation. They are going to be announcing two more studies and I’m sure they will need more money for anything that comes next.