Dozen Day Diazepam Diary

Day 1

Before I sleep tonight, I will take 4mg of diazepam in an attempt to overcome physical discomfort/pain in my groin which I believe is a symptom of PFS. I have learned that the numbness/pain might be an inflammation response caused by a surcharge on my nervous system due to lack of Allopregnanolone in my nervous system, caused by finasteride which blocks the conversion of progesterone into Allopregnanolone. If that is the case, then it is possible that a Benzodiazepine like diazepam will help boost Allopregnanolone in my nervous system so that my immune system stops reacting and the inflammation response goes away.

This is my plan:

Day 1 4mg
Day 2 4mg
Day 3 4mg
Day 4 4mg
Day 5 4mg
Day 6 4mg
Day 7 4mg
Day 8 4mg
Day 9 2mg
Day 10 2mg
Day 11 2mg
Day 12 2mg

I will update what I experience here so that it may benefit anyone going through the same thing. If anyone has any suggestions or questions, please reply.

Day 2

Took my first 4mg last night. Within half an hour I began to feel a bit drowsy and I fell asleep. I’m sure I had a pretty deep sleep and I remember dreaming quite vividly so I guess that means a lot of REM - hopefully that’s a good sign.

To document any changes I will do a daily rating of:

  1. discomfort/numbness 0-10, with 0 being no numbness or pain and 10 being the most discomfort I’ve experienced since stopping finasteride.
  2. libido 0-10, with 0 being no libido at all and 10 being highest libido

I noticed a little libido this morning. I have experienced morning libido since stopping finasteride, but it’s infrequent enough to at least make a note of it. Numbness/tingling sensation remains but it’s not too bad.

Discomfort/numbness = 3
Libido = 3

Going forward I’ll write my posts at the end of the day, so that I can give a better reflection of the scores.

Day 3

Took another 4mg last night and once again fell asleep after about 30 minutes. Woke up and still felt tired so had another 3 hours sleep, total 10 hours - this drug will definitely make you sleep!

A bit more libido today than yesterday and sensation is about the same.

Discomfort/numbness = 3
Libido = 4

Day 4

No change from yesterday. Becoming disheartened.

Discomfort/numbness = 3
Libido = 4

Day 6

Nothing much to report. Aching is perhaps a little better but the real test will be when I have to sit at work this week for long periods. Libido edging higher but I’m doing nofap for this period so maybe that’s to be expected.

Discomfort/numbness = 2
Libido = 5

Day 7

Maintained improvement in numbness and pain today, despite being sat for long periods and having a poor night’s sleep. Let’s see if it lasts…

Discomfort/numbness = 2
Libido = 5


Forgot the day number but this doesn’t seem to be working anyway. I am reducing dosage to 2mg tonight and tomorrow then coming off the drug.

Discomfort/numbness = 4
Libido = 3

It’s been two weeks since I started documenting my Diazepam experiment. I am now off the drug and unable to say whether the drug helped at this point. I do feel reduced pain, although some numbness remains. The reason I can’t conclude it worked is because the severity of these symptoms has varied quite a lot for months, so I can’t accredit Diazepam until I give it some more time.

I’ll update this thread again in a few weeks and maybe have a better idea. If I feel it improved this side effect I may be tempted to try another course to eradicate any further discomfort.

Discomfort/numbness = 2
Libido = 4