Dosing question

Can people still get totally f’d from Propecia if they are doing say 2-3 pills a week? Have been hearing about it and curious if that helps prevent PFS for folks. This is one of the videos:

Note — I would never, EVER touch the medicine again, even if my life depended on it.

Idk about preventing pfs but I initially took propecia at 1mg got pfs, stopped for 4 years, took it again at .25 every other day and only had very bad headaches (which is probably terrible). When I got cocky and scaled it back up to 1mg I got bad mental sides. But .25 mg every other day was still causing me to lose hair so no point really. Makes me wonder when people talk about how .25 mg is basically the same at 1mg because of the response curve.

You can get PFS from the VERY FIRST pill.

This video makes me want to throw up.

The effects and side effects of fin are not dose dependent–so no matter how much or how little you take or how often, bad things can happen. Not to everyone but it can happen with just a low dose or just a few pills.

That’s what I suspected as well. Check out that video when you can. Can’t believe what these doctors are saying.