
Someone on this site mentioned how Post Fin Syndrom could cause low Dopamine.

How does that happen?

My whole body has a steay tremble like I have MS or Parkinsons. Its no very pronounced but I feel it and see it when I hold out a paper or am sitting.

No one else seems to be having the same side effect as me. I have the leg twitches but I have hhad that since I was a child.

I think you are talking about your neurons being damaged along your spinal cord which was caused by the supression of dht.5ar2 is concetrated along the spinal cord when you supress it you are mimincing the affects of ms.I think you should be ok eventually once the motor neurons regenerate,thats my theory maybe im right who knows :confused:

MS is not due to low dopamine. It’s a demyelinating disoder. It doesn’t specifically cause a tremor.

The three features of Parkinson’s disease are

  1. Bradykinesia (slow movement)
  2. Rigidity
  3. Pill rolling tremor (ie) between thumb and forefinger

Also, the above would be worsening over time should you have a Parkinsonian disease.


I now have Benign Essential Tremors.
Not sure what caused them but knowing it’s not fatal helps my anxiety a lot!
Just wasted money on Mucuna Periens.
Not taking the L-Dopa anymore.
Trimming down my supplements.
Seeing my endo in 12 days.


I would give alex.miller’s posts a careful read. Mew copied a couple of key ones here (search here), the remainder are on a har loss forum… He is a neurobiology student who located references indicating that long term 5AR2 suppression could lead to demylination of certain spinal chord nerves, at least in rats. This could be the source of your tremors (theorizing here).

5 alpha reductase (5AR2) deficiency reduces the conversion of progesterone into the neurotransmitter allopregnanelone. Test your progesterone levels as only research labs measure the latter.

Ask your endo to run a 3 alpha androstanediiol glucuronide test on you, then let us know the result. This is the best marker we have found for determining whether fin useage left us depleted in 5AR2 activity.
