Dopamine Receptor Error

Hey Guys,

do anyone has or is there currently a theory about why our dopamine receptors are damaged and how they are damaged? I thought finasteride has no dopaminergic effect. How it could disrupt even our dopamine signaling? its definitely the case for me. Even L-Dopa doesnt do much for me now

I have a problem with mine from taking Lexapro (theoretically but definitely). Lexapro depletes dopamine to quite an extreme causing Parkinson like symptoms in a lucky few. I can distinguish what I have a fair bit from what I see on here by my symptoms and how dopamine effects me. I don’t think yours are damaged but the the androgen system and dopamine system are so carefully intertwined that if ones broken the other can’t work effectively. Receptors don’t act solely for the purpose for their ligand to bind to but as breaks and release mechanisms for other ligands a lot of the time. Androgens would definitely modulate dopamine function in some way.

I just googled “androgen receptors modulate dopamine release” and what do you know the first study mentions FIN as evidence of this in the results.


Why do you think your dopamine receptors are damaged?

I guess neurons have AR receptors wich estimulates dopamine when binding.
Estradiol also potentiates dopamine on mesolimbic pathway.
Might be the case that DHT has to be synthetized in neurons to sourt an effect, but 5ar isnt working so no effect.

I don’t think they are damaged I think they are epigenetically modified to be clear. Anytime I increase dopamine for too long my condition gets worse. I can’t enjoy myself too much without emotional flattening worsening permanently. Decreasing dopamine dramatically caused a lot of problems for me. Any further dopamine depletion gives me a lot of pain and worsening of my symptoms. It aligns with the androgen receptor theory talked about by awor on here just at a different receptor. My brain responds incorrectly to my own dopamine production. I believe with no doubt it is also due to an over expression of the receptor.

@TenPiedad @Sibelio you guys not androgen receptor theory advocates then? Haha

That’s weird emotional flatting caused by high serotonin, definitely not dopamine really a paradoxical reaction.

sorry not sure what you’re comment meant by “definitely not dopamine”. It’s common knowledge that ssris make people feel like zombies due to anti-dopamine action. High serotonin depletes dopamine, they operate like a sea saw. in theory this caused major upregulation of receptors which is causing me problems. I didn’t go on it for depression, but yes indeed I had an extremely paradoxical reaction as it has given me a permanent untreatable horrific emotional flattening after a violent short term reaction.

Yes flattening caused by low dp like caused by high Ssri usage or too much antipsychotic usage. You said dopamine causes flattening in your case, that’s a paradoxical reaction, might be related underlying bipolar tendencies but, that’s just a guess.

Come on, this is ridiculous.
This is like me telling you that you had prior sexual issues before Fin.
The only problem before Lexapro I had was one panic attack. Lexapro destroyed me within a week.

Ofc no i said underlying… some ssri s might trigger it. And with pfs even if you go super manic sexual sides will not disappear.
Same happened to me with Effexor. it leveled me additionally to pfs. it took additional 2 years to recover from it and i got relief only with methylphenidate.
Do not misunderstand me i wrote underlying for a reason. I do not say that you are bi polar what i mean is may be you have some genetic predisposition to that paradoxical reaction.

Not everybody gets pfs thats why we all trying to take a gene test and analyze it.

Ok I understand. I’m just sensitive because of doctors trying to tell me I had shit before and this drug can’t possibly do anything long lasting. I believe I had sensitive dopamine receptors before my reaction due to a couple of weird responses to things. I was so happy pre drug.

Lets say Even it is really a nocebo/plasebo effect yet, it is also mediated mainly by dopamine… you cannot get affected by placebo effect without dopamine. It either makes you super happy or horrible if you have low serotonin while high dopa you’ll probably feel agitated negative and ocd like. It is a delicate balance and even if they accuse you with nocebo effect, they might know that dopamine has a place in it.

I am clarifying I just said, if what they say is true, I am not saying that they are true!!

I know what it felts like, I constantly jumping between endocrinologists, urologists and psychiatrists… in the end psychiatrists always says that this is not a psychogenic issue and others says that my shrinks are not good enough… wtf !! I even do not have a f.cking proper diagnosis… I am here because 2 of the urologists were sure about, it is caused by finasteride.
When I say this to their colleagues they mostly says that they( who diagnosed me with pfs) are idiots or inexperienced specialists… yet them selves are unable to diagnose me…

Yes what I want to say is even in that case it is related to a physical response. I am sorry if i did not make my opinion more clearly. I am not saying that their claims are true.

What I wrote was hypothetical,

I wanted to say let’s say they were right, even in that situation it is caused by fucked up neurotransmitter balance… it is their escape route to blame placebo…

I am sorry if I offended you brother.

Oh yeh definitely sorry I was trying to navigate my way through your post with my messed up brain. I think we can agree we all hate doctors and the medical community right now. In the end all of those experts don’t treat what we have because our problem is epigenetic. Our expert doesn’t really exist yet I guess. Also I’m a girl, :slight_smile:


Ah sorry then sis :man_facepalming:t2::sweat_smile:

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Looking at this from a microbial standpoint; Im sure the same could be possible with dht turnover or androgen metabolism, a breakdown before the host can effectively utilize it that could maybe affect various tissues or transport.
Bacteria can produce neurotransmitters like dopamine, some can also consume it.

Gut microbes eat our medication

Then looking at steroids,

3α-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/carbonyl reductase as a tool for isolation and characterization of a new marine steroid degrading bacterial strain

Heres something genetically created using bacillus subtilis, this probably could be possible in nature as well.

To express and secrete our target gene, 3α-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3α-HSD), in and from bacteria. To prove activity of the secreted gene in breaking down dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

Just a few examples of why it might not be a bad idea to look at something like Viome, to see if we have any active or missing bacteria in common.

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