Dopamine / Prolactin Problem?

I was reading about the role of dopamine in inciting sexual desire. Came across some useful information. I apologize if it is well known or self evident to you.




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Prolactin and dopamine are involved, yes. You have a problem with prolactin if your refraction period has increased. Estrogen increases prolactin, and my prolactin level was twice as high as normal range, after use of Propecia. My sexual function improved after treatment with Dostinex. 0.25 mg twice a week will deplete the prolactin level within a month. Doing so has no negative consequence.

Increased libido is a common side effect of Dostinex in both men and women. The drug is available through /

Orgasms cause increase in prolactin levels. This can explain why orgasms totally destroy me. Need to add this to the testing list…

The excess prolactin level symptoms resemble PFS.

Enden, I had a hard time finding dostinex. Do those sites deliver to Canada? Looks like one needs to get a RX before getting the meds.

Yes, they deliver worldwide. You need a prescription. That’s what [CENSORED] is for. Find Dostinex in their catalogue, and request a prescription. Tell the doctor what you need it for, and how you’re going to use it. I recommend that you state that you’ve been using Propecia, and that things didn’t return to normal after you quit. You recently did a blood test which revealed a prolactin level a bit over the normal range (state number and range). You’re not going to use more than 0.25 mg twice a week, and you’re going to do another blood test in a month. You get the idea. Use your own words of course. It’ll get approved. It usually takes a day, and they’ll forward your prescription to [CENSORED].

Symptoms of excessive prolactin; increased refraction period, decreased sensation during orgasm.
Prolactin above the normal range, is defined as hyperprolactinaemia.

Thanks Enden. Very helpful!

Has anyone tried Dostinex? If so, what kind of results did you get?

Which almost noone has - so it isnt this.

Also, a diagnosis hyperprolacinaemia is usually prolactin far, far out of range. Do some research before taking any medication…

The diagnosis is often used in relation to prolactinomas, but prolactin above normal range is still defined as hyperprolactinaemia. If you’ve had a problem with estrogen, prolactin has been affected too. Prolactin can be in range, but still cause problems. It depends on your baseline value, which most of us don’t know. If your refraction period has increased, you have a problem with prolactin. Also, someone here who used a generic product (finasteride), e-mailed the manufacturer and asked about the persistent side effects. They claimed that the sexual problems was related to prolactin, so I suggest that YOU do some research. I noticed improvement after treatment with Dostinex; 0.25 mg twice a week for a month, so don’t tell me that it isn’t a part of the problem.

Prolactin is nothing but a side issue in 99.999% of PFS sufferers.

I’ve reduced my prolactin using dostinex twice. I’ve seen bodybuilders do it to a point that their bloods take prolactin down to zero, too. It’s a good drug and i suppose can help somewhat if you’ve got very high prolactin but im not convinced that many actually do on here in the first place.

Dostinex will increase libido in normal men and women as well.