Dopamine boosting protocol

Are any of you into the dopamine/supplements protocol, i.e the L-tyrosine, L-phenylalanine, theanine serene, L-arginine, and Gaba relaxer??
Do you think there are any cons to taking this?
As crazy as this may sound, after the first day I felt normal already. I had forgotten what my dick was supposed to look like. I shit you not. But then today I rebounded a little this evening.

Boston- I was going to start tyrosine and phenylalinine this weekend. Maybe the arginine too but that works directly on the penis/NO I thought. I want to seperate the things that increase dopamine vs those that increase testosterone or work on penile tissue and circulation. I want to try only those that increase dopamine first to see if I can isolate a cause and then give everybody feedback. Where did you hear about theanine? Is the edge effect also about increasing dopamine? I thought gaba could not cross the blood brain barrier?

boston-- just to keep you and everyone else posted, I decided to wait on the dopamine treatment until after I get my thyroid and adrenal tested. Are you still doing this. If you don’t mind me saying you should stick to one treatment at a time. I know it’s hard to be patient. But you said it worked very well the first day and i’d be interested in an update. If you keep trying other things, you’ll probably give up on the dopamine routine.

Hey, I got my routine from Panic. He told me about the Theanine, and all of the five things I was taking. He has read all of the books (3 books in total I think) cover to cover. He is very smart I think, and so I just took his word for it.
It worked for a while. It especially helps keep your mind off it if you panic and worry a lot.

But I just think I’m gonna stop for a while and try to get better naturally first. Be more in tune.
I’m just not sure if my body will then have to work even harder metabolizing all the extra supplements, so I stopped, you know what I mean??

Oh, but yes. I see your point in that the process of elimination is easier with your methods. Although, I just thought do it all, increase chances. Idk, I just didn’t like the way it was making me feel everyday yet.
Its basicly like a mild anti-depressant. The L-tyrosine and L-phenylalinine really work. It increases dopamine like right away. The stuff works. Its very obvious when you take it.


What are the 5 things out of curiosity.—thanks

btw- if the phenylaline and tyrosine work why did you quit them. Did they stop working after awhile?

phenylalanine and tyrosine are ubiquitous in meat. You probably don’t even need to take the supplements. There is a lot in things like chicken, eggs, cottage cheese, and most other protein containing foods.

It works on the mind. Thats what I mean by it “really works”.
I shit you not. It feels like you are taking a mild antidepressant. Its very obvious.
I think the levels are much much higher than you’d get in daily portions of meat and cheese. Its like 2 grams of each per day in the supplements routine. Try it out.

Anyway, idk why I stopped. It just made me mellow. And sometimes I have trouble speaking regardless, so it was slowing me down I think.
Although it did keep my mood very stable.

Ask panic too if you want…

I am taking tyrosine and arginine along with carnitine and glutamine. I feel the arginine does help with erections., but only slightly.

I’ve also taken Requip - a dopamine agonist used for Parkinins disease. I had a similar effect - initial improvement that fell off over time. I got off a while back and have just started taking it again with the same response. One might say placebo but I don’t think so. If anything just coincidence (my symptoms flutuate a lot). I’m curious to see what happens when I stop. The last time I stopped I had a prolonged period of improvement, longer than my normal fluctuation. I’ll keep you posted. Not sure about relaxation or a mellowing effect. I suppose it makes me a bit sleepy at times, especially when I drink.

I found this post made by some1 lets say john doe.
Lots of talk about us beeing depressed and not hypogondal in here at this time. Maybe its not one or the other is there a real connection between dopamine and T ?

Makes me wonder about my current trt. Maybe i could indeed try clomid and a dopamine protocol. what u guys think about this info below? Im definetly a type 2 on this chart…

Re: Are some types of Low T/Hypogonadism easier to fix than others?

for primary, one has to go for trt. it is quite straightforward.
secondary is tricky. with my reading about it for the last one year, i guess there are atleast 3-4 types of secondary.

  1. Total T is low (under 300), so free t is also low. lh, fsh are in lower range. e2 is fine, SHBG is fine. this is most common type of the form. my wild guess is here pitutary is at fault.(i dont know if one can measure GNRH if one can then it will be clear) will need trt/hcg.
  2. Total T is low but not too low, 300-450, free t is very low, lh, fsh is low but not too low.e2 is high(50s) shbg is high. symptoms are same as 1 but “fatigue, brain fog” are little less than 1, ed and low libido same as 1 or worse. (in this case clomid and AI may work. no need of trt)(also something for dopamine, say selingiline)
  3. low t, very high prolactin. symptom, low libido, ed. here adenoma of pitutary indicated. bromocryptine or similar may work. no need of trt.
  4. cholestrol drugs. some wise man in some forum had said that higher cholestrol is because the body senses that there is less t and produces more chlo to make more t. (i will stop before i get more confused)
    my guess is, free t is definately needed for libido BUT another major factor is Dopamine (either low production or fast consumption )
    i have also read that there is a relationship between t and dopamine.
    i am sure you must have read about pt-141.(i dont remember the new name). it is synthesis of melanotan2 (tanning). gives instant libido. interestingly melanotan is a component of msh (melanotan secreting harmone) which is produced by… Pitutary. puzzle is pt141<melanotan2<msh<pitiutary<libido. is there a relation?
    All this is just conjucture of an untrained mind so i may be totally wrong.

i’d like to start with dopamine precursors and progesterone cream, could people who is taking them tell me if they have got better?

Actually melanotan II is an agonist for melanocortin receptors 3 and 4. Bremelanotide (PT-141) is also an agonist. It is not clearly understood why MC-3 and MC-4 agonism is effective against erectile dysfunction and concurrently increases one’s libido but it is known that these drugs do increase the levels of NO (nitric oxide) flowing in the blood and nitric oxide activation is part of how Viagra works.

There’s an interesting article by Wired that covers Melanotan II:
Suntan Drug Greenlighted for Trials


melanotan - afamelanotide

Has anyone tried melanoton ll or Bremelanotide? I read in an article that melanoton ll was 90% effective in ED studies. The real reason I’m interested in these is that they act on the hypothalamus, which could be could be where part of our problems arise. I realize these are not approved, but seem to be available on the internet. I will do some more research on this…