It’s unbelivible only 10% of doctors, labs, hormone, supplements bills donated for research and there would be a fair chance for research like the Kiel (epigenetic) and the Tampere (genomic) study to find out what pfs is and to find a cure, build on the conclusions.
Over the years with an avarage of 5000 € per 20.000 patients for medication, doctors, hormones, blood paneels and supplements it makes 100 million dollars over the last 30 years.
10% are 10 Million dollars. 50 quality studies could be funded. Pfs could be cured in some years!
Even I spent 2700 € for one private pfs doctors consultation. Plus hotel etc. The ~10 % I did in a 250 € donation.
Plus monthly donations in the latrogenic fundraising group.
Plus a finland welcome donation.