I am trying hard to stay away from doctors at this point (since they caused my problems in the first place), hanging onto the hope that I will eventually return to my pre-Finasteride state.
At this point, the last thing I want to do is take another freaking medication. I have lost faith in medicine in many ways after taking Propecia and antidepressants. The FDA and doctors claim medications “are safe and effective” yet look at what can happen. The risks of medications are understated and the benefits of drugs are overstated. That’s how it works.
Endocrinologist started me on TRT with Androgel and while I saw initial improvement in libido, spontaneous erections, etc, I quickly became worse mentally, started having ED, and discontinued it.
Does libido improve with time on its own? I don’t really want to take any herbs or supplements either. I am only open to dietary or exercise suggestions now.